Chapter 1

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"So Marcel, will you be my boyfriend?"

"And let me kiss you" My alarm played into my ears. I slammed my hand on the snooze, rubbing my eyes. I always get to that part of my dream and wake up before I can answer. Which by the way, my answer would be yes. I rolled over to grab my iphone dressed in my One Direction case. I unlocked the screen, pressing into instagram. I always check to see what's going on in the fandom. I scroll through my pics. Most of them are about Zerrie getting engaged. Which I totally approve of since the fact that they are indeed the cutest couple to ever walk the earth. I read some nasty comments about Siam, Sophia and Liam, as I roll my eyes. People need to just grow up. Liam can date whoever he wants, I mean he is a grown man. (A/N: In this fanfic, all this happened before the movie was released) After getting tiresome of Instagram, I press into Twitter to read One Direction's newest tweets. 

Harry_Styles: Going to the studio later to talk about our new movie.

Me being the biggest Harry boy to ever exist, I had to tweet back.

Marcelthemarketingguy: @Harry_Styles I hope we get to see some action and never before seen clips because I'm not paying 10 pounds just see you parade around in your underwear.

I posted the tweet before finally rolling out of bed to get ready for the day. I am a student at the University of London, studying Marketing, and an intern at Syco Music Records Company. I'm also a fulltime directioner that obsesses and stalks five idiots that go by the names of Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, and Zayn Malik. Harry Styles is my favorite. He's hot, sexy, hot, funny, and did I forget to mention hot? He also kind of looks like me if I take my glasses off. I climb into the shower, soaking up the hot water. Then I put on my sweater vest, khakis, and dress shoes. I slick back my hair and slip on my glasses before trudging to my kitchen for breakfast. I search my empty cupboards to find nothing. I decide to just head to Starbucks. I grab my keys and phone and head out to my favorite place ever.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Once I arrive at Starbucks, I order a cotton candy frap and a blueberry muffin. I know it sounds girly, but whatever. I love Starbucks for 2 reasons. One, amazing food. Two, free wifi. Any fanboys dream. After getting my food, I cozy myself at a table by the window and grab my phone. 

500 Twitter notifications

What the heck? Why do I have so many notifications? I unlock my phone and open up Twitter to see what the chaos is about.

Harry_Styles: @marcelthemarketingguy "@Harry_Styles I hope we get to see some action and never before seen clips because I'm not paying 10 bucks just see you parade around in your underwear." I will personally make sure your ten pounds are not wasted. But wouldn't you want to see me in my underwear? c;

Oh my gosh. Harry Styles retweeted me. Harry flipping Styles read my tweet, thought it was nice, retweeted it, and added " I will personally make sure your ten pounds are not wasted. But wouldn't you want to see me in my underwear?" and a smiley face. A flipping smiley face. I instantly start to do a little dance as people turn to stare. I don't even care. Harry Styles retweeted me. This is literally the best day of my life. I can't even. Would I want to see Harry in his underwear? Oh my gosh, what kind of question is that, of course I would!! That's every directioners dream, aside from marrying them or being RETWEETED by them. Oh my gosh, I have to answer. But how?

Marcelthemarketingguy: @Harry_Styles thanks for the retweet and I speak for the whole directioner fandom. I think everyone wants some Harry in underwear action. And my ten pounds better not be wasted because I don't think I have another ten pounds to spare #poorpeopleprobs ROMAN NOODLES ALL DAY EVERY DAY

I post the tweet and just stare at my phone. I don't think I can do anything else right now because this is just too much. Suddenly, my phone rings. It's my best friend, Leeroy.

"Hello?" I call.

"Hey, where are you? Class starts in 15."

"Really? Crap. Guess what?"


"Harry flipping Styles retweeted me." I say. There is silence on the other end for a moment before I hear an ear piercing scream erupt from the other end.

"Oh my gosh, Marcel. This is amazayn. You gotta show me. Where the heck are you?"

"Starbucks of course. Free wifi and coffee. That's literally all need to live besides One Direction of course."

"Well hurry up and get to school." Leeroy demanded.

"Yes, sir." I joke before hanging up. Me and Leeroy met in last year in our first year of college. We were dorm buddies. He is studying dance and he's actually really good at it. He is also a directioner. I finish my frap and muffin before sprinting out of starbucks into my car. I step on the gas pedal before speeding off to school. And yes, I did get a speeding ticket.

A/N: So this is a Marcel/Harry fanfic. No, they are not related in this book. Yes, Marcel likes Harry. Yes, Leeroy is his best friends. Yes, he likes Starbucks. Anything else I need to clear up for you? This book was inspired by Fanboy by TheWayYouLookTonight and The Best Song Ever music video. It's supposed to be a funny fanfic so don't take it seriously. Vote and comment. Thanks babes c;

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