Chapter 3

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"Leeroy you are not gonna believe this."

"Believe what?"

"My bosses just asked me to be the marketing guy for One Direction's new movie!!" I screamed.

"Aaaahhhhh!!! Oh my gosh!! That is...That's amazing. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh." Leeroy shrieked in reponse.

"I know right? I almost forgot what air was when I heard that." I called. I was currently stopping by Nandos for some dinner. What? If Niall likes it, so do I.

"You have to tweet about it. I wanna see those wannabe fangirls cry. They will be so jealous." Leeroy suggested.

"They already are, buddy." I commented silently laughing to myself. I still remember Harry tweeting me like it was today. Oh wait, it did happen today. I grabbed my food off the counter and headed back to my car. 

"I have to go. Working on a routine." Leeroy stated.

"You keep dancing like that and you'll be dancing on broadway."

"I hope so. Unless I break my legs first." He joked. We laughed and said goodbye as I hung up my phone. I logged into Twitter and decided to tweet about my promotion. I saw I had a mention and checked.

Harry_Styles: @marcelthemarketingguy "thanks for the retweet and I speak for the whole directioner fandom. I think everyone wants some Harry in underwear action. And my ten pounds better not be wasted because I don't think I have another ten pounds to spare #poorpeopleprobs ROMAN NOODLES ALL DAY EVERY DAY" So you're a directioner? And roman noodles are actually really good.

I stare at my phone in disbelief. Did he really just ask me that? Not only am I talking to the Rice Farmer by day Twerker by night, I'm also talking to the world's sexiest idoit alive.

marcelthemarketingguy: @harry_styles I thought it was pretty obvious, but apparently not. Yes, I am a directioner. No shame. And duh you're talking to the king of roman noodles. Nothing beats roman noodles. Not even sweet corn. (A/N: Harry's fave food is sweet corn, if you were wondering)

I clicked my power button and reved up the engine. On the ride home, I belted out One Direction songs, as other drivers looked at me crazy. Judge me if you will, but I am a directioner and I will sing their songs. Plus, the car is the best place to sing aside from the shower. I pulled up to my not so cozy apartment, grabbed my Nandos, and headed inside. After settling in a bit, I took my take-out box of Nandos and plopped my bum on cloud nine aka my couch. I spend most of my time here aside from my bed, and no, I don't do those kind of things in my bed. At least, not yet. I read my notifications to see I had yet another mention. I hope it's from Harry.

harry_styles: @marcelthemarketingguy You chose the right fandom. You're a guy right? Oh and by the way, heck no. NOTHING beats sweet corn. c;

I think Harry must really like me if he keeps tweeting me. This is a good thing. I've always dreamed of Harry tweeting me.

marcelthemarketingguy: @harry_styles I didn't chose the fanboy life, the fanboy life drugged me and dragged me into its basement. And yes I am a guy. Never heard of a boy directioner? Roman noodles totally beat sweet corn. I mean, it's sweet corn. No one likes veggies.

Harry's reponse was imediate, suprisingly.

harry_styles: @marcelthemarketingguy Haha your funny. And I have heard of guy directioners. It's just intresting. I mean, of all the bands out there, why chose us? I actually like veggies, just thought you should know.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2013 ⏰

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