Chapter 2

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I bustled into class because I was super late. The stupid police pulled me over for "speeding." I tried to explain to them my situtation, but they just didn't want to hear it. Anyways, I am now 30 mintues late to class which is the first time ever. I'm usually 30 mintues early to class but Harry Styles distracted me with his lovely retweeting. I still can't believe it happened. I walk into english and slip into my seat next to Leeroy. Even though me and him are studying two different things, we still both have to study english, math, science, and history. 

"Hey, what did I miss?" I whisper as I pull out my books from my bag.

"We are just discussing the reading from last night." Leeroy replied. I had already finished the book and annotated it. You'd think with my busy fanboy life, I would have time for school work, but somehow I do. Leeroy tapped my lightly. "So, can I see this awesome little tweet?" Leeroy called. I nodded as I snuck my phone out of my bag. I almost never do this unless of an emergency and quite frankly, this was an emergency. I slipped my phone to Leeroy as he read the tweet, excitment lighting his brown eyes.

"Oh my gosh, no way." Leeroy cooed. I smirked at his disbelief. This was so wild. Of all the people Harry Styles could have retweeted, he chose me. Marcel the nerd. Marcel the marketing guy. Marcel the fanboy.

"I know. I literally almost started crying." I stated as the professor ranted on about who knows what.

"Did you tweet him back?"

"Of course I did! This is Harry Styles we're talking about here." 

"Did he responded?"

"I don't think so. He probably has better things to do than to tweet me." I muttered.

"Well, that is still pretty awesome that he retweeted you. You know all those fangirls are gonna be jealous." 

"They always are. But don't worry. I can handle those little brats. All they-"

"Marcel?" My professor called. I whipped my head around to face her. Everyone was staring at me.


"I said what did you think about the last 4 chapters?" She repeated. The look of doubt played on her lips. Like she thought I didn't read the chapters. Well she has a whole other thing coming. 

* * * * * * * * * * *

"And that is what I thought about the chapter." I stated finally. The bell rang meaning the end of classes. I looked at the clock. Oh my gosh, i just ranted for 2 hours about a stupid book. Wow, I'm good. We all filed out of classes. I waved goodbye to Leeroy as I headed in the other direction. He had dance classes while I had to go to my internship at Syco Music Records Company. I was interning as a marketing guy. I hopped into my car and headed down the road. I like working at Syco. They have some awesome people signed to this company. Cher Llyod, Little mix, Ed Sheeran. Even One Direction. I have yet  to have seen them there, but just knowing that they are singed to the company is enough. I park my car in the lot and scurry through the front door.

"Hey Veronica." I stated as I signed myself in. Veronica was an assitant at Syco. She was absoultey gorgeous with her brown locks and brown chocolate eyes. Her tan skin glowed and her smile was contagious.

"Hey Marcel. How was school?" She asked. Even though I had only began working a couple of months ago, me and Veronica had grown to become friends.

"Good, I guess. I was late."

"You, late? Marcel!" She joked.

"I know, I feel ashamed." I laugh.

"How about your fanboying? Still stalking them on Twitter?"

"Always. Oh my gosh, that reminds me, guess what?"

"What? Did Harry get someone preganat? I knew he would one day."

"No! Harry Styles retweeted me! Look!" I exclaimed showing her the tweet. 

"Oh my gosh, Marcel. This is like your life long dream." Veronica commented.

"I know, right? It literally made my day. Actually, my whole life." I joked.

"Well you are not gonna believe what's happening next." Veronica said.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see. Go down to the Studio Executives office. They want to see you." She stated. I nodded and headed down to the office. What was this big suprise?  Once I got to the office, I knocked on the door.

"Come in." A loud, jolly voice shouted. I entered the room to see Harvey and Johnny, my bosses and the Studio Executives, sitting at a desk.

"Ah, Marcel! Come, take a seat." Harvey coaxed. I took a seat on the white sofa infront of the desk they were currently seated behind.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, yes we did. Marcel, even though you have been only working here for a few months, we think you're ready for something bigger." Johnny explained. 

"Well that's very nice." I stated, confused. Are they going to promote me? That would be awesome. Maybe I'd finally have enough money to pay off the stupid speeding ticket.

"It is. We have a big job and we want you to do it." Harvey commented.

"What kind of big job?"

"We want you to be the Marketing Guy for One Direction's new movie." They exclaimed at the same time. My jaw dropped. They want me to be the marketing guy for One Direction? My idols? Oh my gosh, what is air.

"Me?" I quizzed.

"Yes you. So, are you in?" Johnny asked. I stared at them as I contemplated. What am I contemplating, of course I want to do it.

"Yes!" I responded. The both smiled at me. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much. You don't even know how much this means to me!!" I screamed in excitment as I stood up to shake their hands. I began to walk towards the door.



"Be here tomorrow so we can get started. We're counting on you."

"I won't let you down." I stated as I waltzed out the door.

A/N: 2 updates in one day. Marcel is 19 and still in college if you didn't already know. Vote and comment. Thanks babes c:

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