Chapter 1

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• Harry's P.O.V •

It's after classes and I'm currently heading towards the bike shed at the back of the school.

"Hey, man. Where you going?" My best friend, Louis Tomlinson walks up and pats my back.

"To the shed," I answer back bluntly, not making eye contact.

"Well then I'll catch you later, El's expecting me," he winks and walks off.

I scoff and shake my head, my curls bouncing as I walk. I reach the bike shed and look around it, not seeing Taylah anywhere.

Where is she? I asked - no, scrap that - I ORDERED her to be here after school.

I chuckle lightly at her not listening to my order and walk off into the school again. I look around and spot her walking down the corridor, her light brown hair flying past her shoulders.

I run as quietly as I can to catch up with her, which is quite easy. Then I reach out and grab her shoulders, hearing her gasp lightly and stop walking.

"Where do you think you're going?" I smirk into her ear.

"H-home," she trembles, clearly terrified.

"Did you forget what I said earlier?" I lean forward, breathing softly on her neck and letting my hair softly tickle her cheeks.

She gulps and shakes her head violently. I hear the braces and her teeth clatter together as she shakes.

"Why are you not behind the shed then?" I squeeze her shoulder a bit more.

"I-I... I don't k-know." She swallows again and I chuckle.

I move my hand down to her arm and start to drag her out. I smirk at her friend Sam as he looks sadly at her. His floppy dirty blonde hair falling down to his eyes.

We go to the of the shed and after an hour, I stand up an leave, Taylah still sitting there. I shake my head and scoff.

Infront of me, I see my flat mates car. I walk over and hop in the passenger seat.

"You still beating up that Taylah girl?" Zayn asks, buckling up his seatbelt.

I nod a yes and he rolls his eyes, muttering an 'unbelievable' under his breath.

I shrug it off and look out the window, seeing Taylah walking slowly away.

We soon reach the flat and Zayn parks the car while I jump out and unlock the door.

"Jesus, Styles, you're gonna kill yourself if you keep jumping out the car!"

"Well I'm a badass, what can I say?" I wink and kick off my shoes, jumping on the couch and grabbing an Xbox controller.

"Black ops?" I look up at Zayn.

"Do you even have to ask?" he says in a 'duh' tone.

He jumps beside me and grabs a controller.

We play for around half an hour when the door bursts open, revealing Niall, another flat mate.

"Liam's still at the gym," he closes the door and walks into the kitchen.

I swear Liam's going to burst with all the working out.

"Niall?" I shout, hearing Niall open cupboards.

"What?" he answers, walking out with a bag of Doritos.

"Why go to the gym, lose weight, then pile it back on again as soon as you come back?" I ask, shooting one of the zombies in the game.

"Headshot!" Zayn yells, indeed, shooting the undead creature in the head.

We high five then Niall answers. "Because I'm hungry."

I roll my eyes, typical.

• • •

• Taylah'a P.O.V •

Nate: Hey Taylah!:) x

Me: Hi Nate :) x

Nate: Whatcha upto? x

Me: Nothing :( What about you? x

Nate: Samee wish I could see you x

Me: Yeah life would be better with you x

Nate: Harry still being mean? x

Me: Nate, it's only been a day, doubt he's going to be all nice to me x

Nate: He'll change, or I'll come and there will be trouble ;) x

Me: I'd love to see you travel all the way from Australia to here ;) x

Nate: You should come back to Australia, dad misses you and debs x

Me: I wish, but I'm not sure mum wants to leave here. She likes it x

Nate: Awe boo:( well I got to go James is here bye sis x

Me: Ok :( bye bro x

I sigh and throw my phone on the bed. Only for it to vibrate again.

I pick it up and see an unknown number flash on the screen. I raise an eyebrow and decide to answer.


"Meet me at the park. Now!"

"Who is it?" I ignore them.

"Just go to the park, you'll find out then."

"Fine, fine," I sigh.

I hang up and put my phone in my pocket, quickly putting on my converse.

"Mum I'm going out for a bit!" I yell, placing my beanie on my head.

"Okay, sweetie. Be home before dinner!" Mum yells. I yell back an ok and walk out.

I reach the park in a matter of minutes and see a figure sitting on the bench. I squint my eyes to see who it is, but it was hard because they're wearing a hoodie with the hood up.

I reach them.

"Hello?" I cautiously step closer.

"Hello, Taylah..."

Bullied By Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now