Chapter 5

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• Taylah's P.O.V •

"Taylah!" Marie grins and wraps me in a bone crushing bear hug.

"Hey, Marie!" I give her a hug back.

"How've you been?" She pulls away, stepping aside to let Nate and I through into the room.

"Great, thanks," I smile. "What about you?"


I nod as we walk into another room, seeing my dad, brother, sister and cousin playing Monopoly.

Lily looks up and smiles. "Taylah!" she yells and jumps up, hugging my legs.

"Taylah!" Ellie and Josh both yell in unison and run up and hug my legs aswell.

"Hey, lil' monsters!" I yell and kneel down, hugging each of them.

I stand up as they return to sitting on the carpet. "Daddy!" I smile as Dad stands up.

"Hi squirt," He grins and wraps me in a huge hug. "You okay?"

I nod. "Yup. I'm fine, thank you."

Dad smiles and nods. "How's your mum?"

"She's good. Kind of broken down because Joseph cheated on her. But I guess that's life," I blurt, pursing my lips together.

"Oh," Dad looks down, thinking about the time him and mum split. "What time you going home at?"

"Shoot! I forgot to text mum," I mumble and pull out my phone.

Me: Hey Mum sorry never text you earlier but I met up with Nate and I'm at a hotel visiting Fad. Be home soon love you xxx

I place my phone back in my jacket pocket, sitting down next to Nate.

"Catie staying with Grandma?" I ask, bringing up conversation.

"Yeah, she couldn't come on the plane. There was loads of paperwork to fill out so we didn't bother," Marie begins to pack away the game.

"Catie's had a boo boo," Ellie pouts.

"Yeah, she hurt her leg," Josh pipes up. I look at the 5 year old. His brown eyed shining.

"How'd she hurt her leg?" I turn to face my dad.

"A man walked over - obviously drunk - and started hitting her leg. It's nothing serious."

"Oh. Okay," I say and pick up Lily, placing her on my lap. Then my phone goes.

Mum: Okay honey be home for 9:30 love you xxx

I check the time. It's 9:00. Wow, I've been out since around four. Five hours already.

"I've to be home for half past," I tell my Dad and Step-Mum.

"Okay, sweetie, I'll drive you if you want?" Marie offers.

I think of the streets. They would be empty by this time. Then I think of the worst things that could happen. A random drunk popping out from the bushes. Or a murderer. Or-

"Taylah?" Marie waves her hand in front of my face.

I close my eyes and shake my head frantically, shoving the thoughts to the back of my mind. "Yeah. Yeah, sure. Thanks, Marie."

"No problem, hun," she smiles warmly and sits up beside dad.

For the last half hour, we catch up on things and have a laugh. Which I've missed greatly.

"You ready to go?" Marie grabs her car keys and puts on her jacket.

"Yep," I smile. "Bye, guys. I'll miss you!" I look at everyone. Lily, Ellie and Josh all give me a hug and I say goodbye to my dad.

I hug Nate. "Tell me if that Styles kid bothers you, 'Kay?" he whispers in my ear.

"I will. Thank you," I smile at him and pull away. He smiles and nods.

I wave a final goodbye and walk out with Marie.

• Harry's P.O.V •

Right now it is 9:23. I'm also bored out of my freaking mind. The lads are all asleep. Apart from Niall and I, but he's too busy on Twitter.

Zayn was the first to fall asleep. Then Liam. Then, surprisingly, Louis.

"Did you know Taylah had a twitter?" Niall snaps me out of my thoughts.

'Taylah? A twitter? Pfft, how many followers does she have? Two?' I think, laughing at my own comment.

"She's got around 150 followers... So far," he speaks up, like he read my mind.

"I'm surprised," I reply with complete honesty.

"After what she's done I'm surprised she's even got one friend left. She never had any friends to lose in the first place."

Niall shakes his head at what I said. "I'm going to bed. Night." he stands and walks to his room, leaving me alone.

I decided to check it out tomorrow, too tired to log on now. I get up and yawn, then walk out the living room and up to my own room. I take off my clothes and jump underneath the cool covers.

After a few minutes my eyelids start to grow heavy. Soon enough, sleep begins to overtake me.

Bullied By Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now