Chapter 4

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• Taylah's P.O.V •

"What took you so long?" I ask Nate as he walks back over, picking up his jacket.

"I'll explain later, let's just go," he puts his jacket on and puts his rubbish in the bin. I do the same and hear footsteps. I see Harry walking over. We make eye contact for a second before I look somewhere else.

I see Nate glare at him then walk out.

"What's wrong, Natey?" I ask again as we walk, the fresh air hitting our faces.

"I talked to Harry in the bathroom," he mutters, looking down at the ground.

"I don't think you just talked," I fold my arms and keep my gaze on him.

"Well I sorta almost pinned him up on the wall."

"How close?"

"Teensy weensy bit."

I nod. "You could've just left it, ya know."

"I couldn't. You're my little sister. It's my job to protect you, isn't it?"

"I thought it was to get to stay up later and tease me about it in the morning?" I laugh.

"That was a joke!" Nate looks up at me, cracking a smile.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Shut up," he playfully shoves my arm.

I pretend a gasp and shove him back. We continue to push each other in the street until he pushes me and I bump into another person.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you!" I gasp and kneel down, picking up the papers that tumbled down.

"It's fine, I should've looked," I hear a male voice.

I look up and see a pretty nice looking boy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

"No, no. It's my fault," I hand him his papers.

"I'm Kendall, Kendall Lane," the boy holds out his hand.

"I'm Taylah Lee. And this is my brother, Nate Lee," I look at my brother.

"Hey," he sticks his hand out and Kendall shakes it.

"Again, I'm sorry for making you drop your papers. They were pro-" Kendall cuts me off.

"Stop apologising! It's fine!" Kendall laughs.

"Sor-" I start to say but stop myself.

Nate laughs at me. I roll my eyes and smack him with my elbow.

"Hey!" he smacks me with his elbow.

"Let's just stop before we do something else," I lift my hands up.

"Good idea, Tay."

"I always have good ideas," I wink at him.

"That's what you think," he says under his breath. I look up at him and he smiles innocently.

"Well I need to go. Can I get your phone number?" Kendall asks.

"Sure," I smile and take out my phone, handing him it. He gives me his and I put my number in his contacts.

He hands me my phone back and I give him his. Him and Nate do the same and we say goodbye and begin to walk off.

"So we still going to see the family?" I ask.

"Yup, that is if you want to?"

"Course I do!" I grin, jumping up a bit.

"Let's gooooo!" Nate yells and we start to run in the quiet streets.

• Harry's P.O.V •

"What's wrong, Haz? You've been weird since after the bathroom. What happened?" Niall bounces up and pats my back.

"Nothing's wrong, Ni," I look at him.

He looks into my eyes. "Something's up."


"No point lying, Harry. I know you're lying when your eyes are a dull green. Now tell Niall what's up."

"You know that guy Taylah was with?"

Niall nods. "Well he talked to me. I wasn't paying attention to him though." I lie. I know clearly what he said, just didn't want to spill all.

"Oooh. Weird. That it?"

I nod. He smiles and jumps off the rest of the lads.

"Harry! Come on! You snail!" Louis drags out the word snail.

"Shut up, Lou," I smirk and run and jump on his back.

"Oh dear lord! It feels like a ton of bricks just fell on my back!" he pretends to fall.

I smack his head. "Not nice, Louis," I pout.

"Aw. Sowwy Hawwy," Louis pouts.

I smile and roll my eyes. "Go go go!" I yell and he starts to run.

"Race ya!" Zayn runs up beside us with Niall on his back.

"Just leave Liam out then! Don't worry!" Liam shouts from behind.

"Sorry Liam!" I yell as Louis and Zayn race to the flat.

We soon reach the door in a draw.

"We clearly won," Louis tells the other two as I jump off.

"Nah. We did, didn't we, Nialler?" Zayn looks at Niall.

"Of course we did, we always do," Niall nods and they share a high-five.

Louis and I shake our heads, watching Liam run up with the keys in his hand.

He unlocks the door and walks in, collapsing onto the couch. I walk in and Zayn, Niall, Louis and I jump on his back.

"That actually felt nice," Liam says from underneath us.

"That's because we're as light as feathers."

"Apart from Harry. He weighs a ton of bricks," Zayn laughs.

I take off my shoe and throw it at him. "Shut up, Malik."

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