Chapter 6: That's how my Relationships Work

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The next few weeks went by smoothly, nothing new really happened in particular. There was the flirting from Lily, and Simon still would stress how "bad" she was for me. I didn't care, she was Lily. Her and I would hang out after school almost everyday, almost how Simon and I used to be. There was one special thing that happened, though. 

It was a Friday, after school. Lily had asked me if I wanted to go out to the lake with her, and I of course said yes. Outside of my small town, surrounded by foreset trees, was a beautiful lake. I had actually taken trips there with Simon, on picnics. But this outing was very different- we went a midnight. 

"Hop on," Lily said blandly, as she mounted her motor cycle. 

I stood in utter shock. "Hop on...? I can't, I'll fall off."

She smirked, "Come on, you don't want to have to walk there. It's no fun that way." 

I grunted, and heaved my way onto the motorcycle. I wrapped my arms around her waist, as my face flushed. We hadn't been this close since the kiss...

She started up the bike, and drove quickly. I squealed in excitement, and held onto her tightly. I liked the feeling of freedom riding he motorcycle gave me, the feeling of wind blowing through my hair. It was an exhilarating feeling, and I never wanted it to end. 

It ended quickly, much to my dismay, but this meant alone time with Lily. She parked the motorcycle off to the side, and we got off and headed towards the dock of the lake. 

We walked silently, before we met our final destination; the dock of the lake. She sat down, with her feet dangling above the water, and I sat down beside her.

"Angie, I want to tell you that I'm not what you think I am," she whispered softly,as the the moonlight lit up her beautiful eyes.

I turned to her, and tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

She looked at me sternly, and shook her head, looking away. I wish she would've told me then, that way I would've known. I would've dropped, and left her then. Knowing myself, I probably wouldn't have. I wish I could've saw the signs sooner.

I shrugged it off, not knowing yet what would happen months later. I dipped my foot in the water, and turned to Lily, who was taking off her shirt. 

I blushed wildly and stared at her. "W-what are you doing?"

She laughed at my expression, and shoved me gently. "Going for a swim, dumbass." I shook my head, and looked away quickly. 

"You can't swim in this lake, it's against the rules."

"I like breaking rules," she grabbed my hand, and jumped into the lake. I fell in after her with a yelp, and splashed around.

She giggled, and swam away, "You totally deserved that." 

 I groaned, and pulled myself out of the lake. Why did I deserve that? Why did I deserve being pushed into the lake? I angrily grabbed her shirt, and chucked it into the lake.

She grunted, and swam towards her shirt. "Just take a joke."

I shook my head. "That's against the rules, and if anyone saw us, I couldn't afford to pay the fines."


"Plus, I didn't want to get wet."

She got out of the lake, and looked at me with a smirk. "Not yet."

I shook my head in disgust and started walking back towards her motorcycle. "This isn't how relationships work. We're not going to hook up, so don't say those things."

She stood up, and followed me. "That's how my relationships work," she mumbled, as chills went up my back. 

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