Chapter 8: Lies

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I had woken up the next morning later than usual. I glanced at my phone, and realized it was 12 am. Sighing, I got out of bed and walked downstairs, to see my mother sitting at the kitchen table with Simon.
"Let me help you with that, Ms.Wright," he grabbed the dishes off the table, and put them into the sink.
My mother smiled sweetly, "Thank you, dear. You've always been such a charmer."
Simon smirked and glance over at me. "The Princess awakes from her slumber."
I laughed and walked over to them. "Sorry, I didn't realize it was late."
My mother shrugged. "Well, Angelina, we had invited Simon over for brunch today last week. But somebody slept through the whole thing."
Simon finished washing the dishes and replied, "It's okay, Ms. wright. I'm used to being ignored by Angelina."

I glared at him. This was not the time for him to be snarky. I was already peeved from my "date" with Lily last night, and this was the last thing I needed from him. He didn't know anything romantic had been happening between her and Lily, I didn't tell him. I didn't want to either, it was none of his business.
There was an awkward silence, before my mother broke it. "Well, I'm going to go get more flowers for the garden..." She grabbed her purse, and scurried out the the house, leaving me and Simon alone.

"You know, that wasn't necessary," I said, as I crossed my arms.
Simon laughed. "Yeah, but you know it's true. I send you messages everyday, and you read every single one, ignoring me. You've pushed away everyone these past few weeks, even your mother."
"Maybe if you knew what I was going though you'd understand! I'm confused, Simon. And I'm hurt. And I'm..." I trailed off and broke into tears. It was true, Lily was confusing me in ways I could never imagine.
I didn't think I could ever like a girl, but I did.
I knew people wouldn't accept me if I did, that was obvious. I didn't want to be looked down on, but I couldn't hide my feelings.
I didn't know what I was, and last night had hurt me more than anything.
Hearing Lily insult me broke me into a million pieces, and all I wanted to do was to curl up in bed and cry. But I couldn't. I had to deal with Simon reprimanding me.

I wiped away my tears and looked up at him, to see him staring at me in shock.
"Angie, if you need to know I'm here for you."
I sighed and sat down on the couch, bringing my knees up to my chest. Neither of us said anything, and then finally.
"I love you," Simon said softly, as he reached and cupped my face. "I hate seeing you sad like this. Let me ease the pain...please."
I looked up at him and frowned, still not talking.
He poked my nose and smirked. "Do you not love me back?"
I smirked back and looked down. "I do."

He looked into my eyes and softly kissed me. It was dull, and I felt nothing. It was nothing compared to the butterflies I got when Lily kissed me. This was pathetic, there was no movement. Just his lips lightly placed on mine.
He pulled away after a second, with that big dorky smile of his. I felt bad for feeling nothing, when he clearly enjoyed himself.
"That was...amazing," said Simon, smiling. At that moment, I knew I had been his first kiss.
"It was," I said, with a fake smile.

I was lying.

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