Settling In

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Kanan's POV
I was blown away. We have to live together? On an undercover mission? This was awesome! It's a life I've always wanted to have, but know will never actually happen. I was ecstatic. I couldn't believe this was happening!

I made a poker face so Hera wouldn't know what I was thinking inside.

"So... Um... Ha ha... Um what m-mi-mission, um, w-where are we g-going this mission. Well, not where but, well,um..."

She interrupted me by saying, "Kiros. Ever since the Zygerrian slave facility was destroyed, many other races than the native Togrutas live there. We should be able to blend in well. It's mostly a peaceful planet, except the natives were trained by the clones before the Clone Wars ended. The housing unit has already been provided by my contact. All we have to do i-is act like a n-n-normal couple and we should be fine. Look, I'm not happy about this mission either but we need to do it, for them. I'm going to my room and g-ge-get some sleep before this. I trust you know how to fly a ship? Set course for Kiros and pilot for me while I sleep. Thanks."

With that she walked out of the cockpit and to her room. I caught her lekku whipping around the corner, then the door slammed shut. Wow, she's wound up tight. I wonder if she feels the same way I do. I walked over to the pilots seat and sat down.

"Chopper, set course for Kiros." I demanded.

I spun around in my chair as it squeaked and smiled happily.

"AND TELL CHOPPER TO FIX THAT CHAIR!" I heard Hera's muffled yell from her room.

I was looking forward to this mission.

Hera's POV

As I walked to my room I had mixed feelings. I wanted to do this mission. It was going to be fun! Me and Kanan, living as a couple... Snap out of it Hera, you have a job to do. I opened to door to my room and fell down on my bed. I looked up the things we needed to know about our undercover profile. I was Tezlie Jarunds. Kanan was going to be my husband. Oh joy. He was Calernds Jarunds. Apparently we were married last week and this was where we going to settle down. I worked at a cantina and Kanan was the bartender. I slammed my head against the pillow. I didn't want Kanan to be my husband. He could have been anything else. It was like a life I wanted to live, but it was never going to be a reality. Why me? I fell asleep to the hum of the hyperdrive, hoping this mission would end sooner than later.


I woke up to Kanan shaking me awake.

"Hey, you awake yet? We arrive in a couple minutes. So, what do I need to know about our profile." He asked, while casually sitting on the edge of my bed and crossing his legs. I sat up to face him better.

"Well my name is Tezlie Jarunds. I work in a cantina. You are Calernds Jarunds. You work as the barkeeper in that same cantina. And yes, before you ask, we are married. We married last week and we're settling down on this planet, so get to know the locals well."

The hyperspace alarm went off and I looked at Kanan.

"We're here!" He announced.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." I stated sarcastically.

I looked at the planet, blue and green, because of the thriving life below. As we got closer, I started to get more worried.

What will tomorrow bring?

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