The Ceremony

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Kanan's POV

The big day. The day that Hera and I get married. I was already dress up and in the front of the people that had been invited to our wedding. It was small, but we didn't mind. Ezra and Zeb stood beside me as I nervously took my knees back and forth. I though about the crews reaction after they learned that we were going to be married. Zeb was surprise, and Chopper laughed, but the others acted like they expected it. We had spent about a year planning this out. Hera's father, Cham, was surprisingly supportive of us. As I got nervous enought to start persperating on my forehead a slight bit, the music started. Hera walked out in a white dress that made her look stunning. I smiled like an idiot and stared at her. She smiled, which I could see because she was wearing no veil, like most people in my culture do. Once she reached the front, the preacher started the ceremony. He made us say our vows and exchange words. Hera and I looked into each other's eyes the whole ceremony. I thought of our future: fighting the Empire, us, and possibly, out legacy.

Soon enough, I heard the words, "You may now kiss the bride."

Hera and I leaned toward each other, but something was wrong. I heard the sound of a blaster bolt being discharged from a barrel and felt the heat of the laser. It came close by me and grazed my side. I started to lose conciseness. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was a flash of green, white, and red. I heard screams and then was all silent.

My eyes closed and darkness embraced me...

Hey guys!!! I finally finished the book after about a year. Anyways how'd you like it? I'll make a chapter summing it up next. Thanks for reading. TRIPLE DOTS!!! May the Force be with you...

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