Pack and Bail

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Hera's POV

I woke up to find Kanan beside of me snoring loudly. I rolled my eyes and got us slowly and quietly, trying not to wake him. As I got up I tried to think of what I needed to pack for this "mission". Coming to a conclusion, I went to get my toiletries and a couple of my family items. My pilots attire would have to stay on the ship though, seeing as what I was doing, wearing pilots attire would be awkward and strange. I got out some casual clothing and changed into it, hanging up my normal clothes in my closet. I packed the rest of my necessities in my single bag that I was taking. I went to the kitchen a grabbed a two jogans and devoured them. I decided to write a final note to Kanan before I left. Collecting the necessary materials, I started writing. After a few minutes, I finished the note to Kanan.

After I put the note on the counter, I heard the sound of Fulcrum's ship docking in the airlock. I gathered my belongings and went to the airlock. it was already open, and Fulcrum was standing to greet me. They lead me on their ship and showed me where to put my things for the flight. As I stored them, they put in the hyperspace coordinates. Detaching from the airlock, they pulled a lever. The stars extended into the familiar streaks of hyperspace. They turned around in the chair and asked me, "What happened that you needed to get out so suddenly? Was it Kanan?"

I shook my head and told her the story of the mission. As I finished, they had a horrified look on their face. "They did that to you!" they exclaimed. "I knew the Imps were cruel, but I never thought they would do that!"

"Well, they did. That's why I needed to get away. And because I'm... well, I think you." I replied.

"I understand. Kanan shouldn't know. If you ever need help, I'll be here for you whenever you need me." they said.

"Thank you."

They stood up and we embraced in a hug for a few seconds. When I pulled away, the alarm went off to signal that we getting ready to exit hyperspace.

Kanan's POV

I woke up to a clang in the ship. Chopper... I thought. I moved my arm and realized that Hera was gone. I sighed and got up. Once I reached the cockpit, I looked out into empty space and realized this was going to be a very long year. My stomach then made a loud noise, signaling I was hungry. Moodily, I went to the kitchen to grab a jogan. I discovered that we were running low when I only found two left. After eating, I leaned back on the counter, where my hands discovered a strange shape. I turned around to find a note. Eagerly, I picked it up and read it. It read,

Dear Kanan,

I don't quite know how to tell you why I am doing this, but Fulcrum needed me to do this. It was vital to our safety and wellbeing. I am going to miss you so much. I won't be able to send any transmissions, because I'm taking an undercover mission, which I am determined to not end like the last one. I will hopefully see you in a year, but there is a very small chance that I might be able to come home sooner! When I need you to come and pick me up, the coordinates that you'll need are attached in this note. I will really miss you. I love you, Kanan Jarrus.

Yours truly, Hera.

I read the note over and over. The reality of my situation finally sank in.

This was the last memory I was going to have of Hera for a year...

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