Let's Crate a Plan

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Kanan's POV

I woke up to sound of Hera's voice over the intercom.

"Good morning, crew! Rise and shine, we have just touched ground on Lothal."

I quickly rose up to get dress and tie my hair up quickly into a ponytail. I almost ran out of my room from the burning curiosity of this planet that Hera always keeps mentioning but never telling me what exactly it is. As I reached the cockpit I slowed to a fast paced walk and had an air of excited energy around me. Hera looked over at me and laughed, knowing that I have had a burning curiosity about this planet.

"Just wait for about ten more minutes and you'll b able to see it. Calm down, love."

I huffed out in impatience and rolled my eyes while sticking my tongue out at her and plopping down into a chair and spinning it with my foot. It squeaked very loudly as I started humming a song while waiting. Shortly after, but not soon enough for me, Sabine and Zeb came in yawning and stretching. Noticing something different about Sabine, I commented her new look.

"Nice hair, Sabine." I smiled at her.

"Thanks, Kanan. The colors were becoming a bit too defining."

She was referring to the light pink and green it had been last night. 

"Hate to break this up but we really don't have that much time to have a social convention. So, I cooked up a plan for this op today, but if you have any suggestions please interrupt me." We all nodded at her and I motioned for her to continue. "So, you'll take the speeders, Sabine you'll have to ride with Kanan, and go to the city. Park the speeders somewhere where you'll be able to find them but are not that obvious and the Imps won't. The shipment will be in a small alleyway that opens up into a market. Kanan, you'll be walking around like your buying things. Zeb, you'll be looking at a picture on a wall or something. Come up with hand signals on the way so Kanan can let Sabine can know when to execute her part of the plan. So, Sabine, you'll have explosives with you, right?"

Sabine looked offended as she scoffed, "Of course I do! Since when don't I?"

"Alright, no need to get offended or anything." Hera muttered quietly as Sabine rolled her eyes at her.

"So, Sabine, you'll take the explosives and attach them to one of the transports and hope you don't get harassed by one of the officers guarding the shipment. After that, set the bomb off and Kanan and Zeb will take the crates through the city to the main entrance and exit. I'll stay here with Chopper in the Ghost and wait for you two while Sabine will take one of the speeders so Zeb has his and Kanan can take one of the Imps. I'll drop down and pick you up after you get into the fields beyond the city entrance. Any questions?"

"Actually, yeah," I heard Zeb say, "What if there I interference by the locals?"

"Improvise." I heard Hera state simply and nod.

"Alright, well let's go guys!" I said, jumping up and almost forgetting to slide down the ladder instead of what I was going to do, jump the whole entire way down. 

I was looking forward to seeing Lothal.

And hopefully that mystery person in my dream...

Hey guys! lol this is the first chapter that isn't an edit. Whoops! Annnnnnnnnnnd I'm back again. I feel like I haven't updated forever but trust me I'm still here. Please, go back and read my previous chapters that I wrote and edited bc IMPORTANT INFO... and yeah. I know I know  don't tell me I already know that this chapter is super short. I'm going to update later tonight hopefully. And I'm going to die tomorrow when the season 3 finale comes out. It seems like S3 just started. Oh well and time goes on. Anywho, I don't really have an update schedule anymore so that's that. It just sorta comes when I have time to write after track and homework and all that stuff and life. Annnnnd... OH YEAH!!! THANKS SO MUCH FOR 6K WHILE I WAS GONE!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! I REALLY WANNA TRY TO GET 10K SOON IF WE CAN TRY TO DO THAT!!!! Thanks so much guys and, like always... May the Force be with you!!!

P.S. I just heard my dad singing and I'm scared!

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