Chapter 6- Runaway

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  Second day out alone after running away from the group, Wolf cried the whole night because he snagged his side on a thorn bush.  What a cry baby!  Meanwhile, I've been keeping watch for Students ( Evan's Gang) since I'm dangerously close to Gideon High.
I heard two last night, but they totally missed me ( dumb asses).    Wolf and I left the camp earlier this morning, due to us being so dangerously close I guess I have to go another way to the Old Cannibal Camp by the Buffalo Terminal.

  I head for a highway, the forest opens into a long endless road of tar.  I quickly hop across, stopping behind a car every few minutes just in case there's someone firing at me.  I now always have that strange feeling that someone is watching, World Government?  The Students?  Our group?  Or someone else?  I stand up, aware of my surroundings.  Wolf trots along side me as we continue, the sound of air being chopped rings in my ear.  I hide behind a car as three helicopters fly by,  their headed towards Buffalo.  Crap!  Well that ruins my plan!
" Ok.....Wolf......we are going another way," I sigh, giving him a hunk of robin I shot.
It's been three days, so I will have to take another pill in a bit.  Due to the whole fact that what they are doing is destroying the Niagara Falls Safe Haven.

   My plan is to get to the border, find a dock, hopefully a cruise ship (if they are still running a transporting people) board it and head to the Florida Safe Haven.  Which I know they won't destroy since it's by the ocean and countries can trade supplies.
Wolf stops, his ears pointed.  " What?" I hiss at him.  He ignores me, quickly turning to see the other side of the road.  " What?" I repeat.  He dashes into the forest, completely forgetting about me.  As gunfire sprays the road, I run after Wolf.  An insane, sharp pain hits me suddenly.  I screech in pain as I roll to the floor, I hear cheers of joy as three Students run toward me.  I lie on my belly, looking as limp as possible.  Trying to act dead, blood pouring from my abdomen.  Stay calm, if you act dead they'll think your dead!  I tell myself.  Everything flashes through me, my brother, my parents, the past year, Lee.  Lee, oh my god!  What was I thinking?!  I should've brought him with me.

  I feel the tip of a gun poking my back, they then kick me.  The pain from the wound, as well as the hard boot is unbearable.  But my desire to live keeps my quiet, I have to live, for Lee, for Wolf, for my family.........

" She looks dead!  We killed Caroline!  Evan will be so happy!"
" Don't be so happy!  We still have to find her friend as well as the traitors!"
" But Evan and his bride will be proud that we killed her!"
" Yeah, I guess!"  I hear someone pat the other two on the back.
  Evan has a bride? Since when did a sixteen year old have a wife already?!
  Well shit!  This world is screwed..........

  I stay still for a long time, waiting for about an hour till everything that moved was out of sight.  I then attempt to get up, pair jabbing me in my spine.  I then stumble through the forest, looking for any sign of Wolf.  Or anyone really.  The corners of my eyes begin to blacken, the darkness spreads across my eyes as I fall to the floor..............

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