Chapter 12

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We run towards the house, Heather is waiting outside. She bolts upward, " We heard an explosion!" I nod, I explain what we encountered and that the World Government blew up the mall. " Shit!" She then peers over to Phora, I know what's coming, " I'm surprised that you lived, Mrs.McWhingy,". Phora's eyes narrow at the comment,
"Whingy? Bitch please, this is the apocalypse, not your monthly drunk ass Irish family meeting!" This triggers Heather, she lashes out an arm and pops Phora in the face. Phora falls to the ground hard, " That'll teach ya not to fucking stereotypical and a little brat!".
" Stop! We have the medicine for Jane!" I cut in front Heather before she could deliver another blow, " Please, Jane needs us, we have no time for this!". Heather peers angrily at the now standing, " Fine, lets give this kid the medicine!".

She then looks back at Phora, " Better watch your mouth next time!". Honestly I don't know why Phora and Heather hate each other. They barely talked to another at Gideon before the Fall, in fact Heather only ever talked to Kieran. They were best friends!
I turn to Phora, she holds her swollen cheek. Her facial expression is a mix of betrayal and sadness. Tears run down her face, " Phora-".

" Just stay the hell away from me or I swear I will fucking kill you!" She then runs past me, I've done something. I never should've let Heather hit Phora, I was so caught up. If I charged Heather, she would've put a bullet in my head. Lee runs out, his handsome greeting smile completely non-evident. " What's up with Heather and Phora-".
I sigh, I walk over to him to embrace. " I have no known idea,".
" We're gonna stay here until Jane is well enough to travel again, ok?"
I nod as I rest my head on his broad chest. Kieran calls for dinner, we hold hands as we walk inside. The feeling of being watched returns, the bad thing is happening, and it's happening tonight.

At dinner, it's quiet, just us eating heated cans of beans Kieran collected while Phora and I were out. " What's up?" Jane says weakly to me, " I never heard about what happened," She's pale, her eyes are emotionless. Her eyes have rings of purple around them. " Well we got your medicine, which is good, we were attacked by Infected, and the World Government blew up the mall with big bombs!" Jane looks at me.
" You should take your medicine now!" I get up to grab the stuff. While I do this I look out the window, searching for any figures walking around, nothing. I come back to the syringe for the painkillers. I dab her arm with the disinfectant, then I inject the painkillers. She gasps as the needle goes in, she then sighs. " I feel so much better!".
" Good, now eat, you need a lot of energy if we want to move out tomorrow," Kieran hands her a can of Chef Boyardie and a spoon. She happily eats all of it in minutes.

Phora gets up, wiping down her shirt. " I'm going to patrol,". Kieran nods, I follow. So does Jane, " No you stay here, you need rest,". She shakes her head, I sigh. She follows me out. We walk behind Phora, we head up the slope.

" Phora where are you going?"

Jane yelps in fear, turn around to see Sarah holding a knife to her throat. " What the hell-" I feel Phora hit me across the head with her gun.
Blackness consumes me as Evan's evil laugh echoes in my traumatized head........

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