Chapter 5- The Scarred

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" This group that we are creating, it needs to be big, remembered, known" Kieran says. Lee looks at him in disbelief, he stands up from the fallen log. " It doesn't have to be feared or anything, we just need to have a big enough group to fight back against Evan!".
" Hold on! Who said anything about fighting back?" I snap.
" Aren't you here to help us?" Lee asks.
" Phora and I have a different agenda, we are headed for the Florida Safe Haven,"
" We can head that way after we deal with Evan, while he's around, no one's safe,"
I sigh, " Fine, but when we are done with him, we will never come back to New York or Buffalo, we will stay in Florida if we can!". Everyone nods, I pat Wolf. " We should get some sleep, who's taking first watch with me?" Lee raises his hand.
" Ok then,".

" So what happened with your family?" I ask Lee later that night. He adjust uncomfortably to face me, his face scrunched in pain. I look at him, worry in my eyes.
" You ok?" He nods. " It's fine,". He holds his side, " No, let me see,".
" No it's fi-"
" Shut up" I lift his shirt to find a large scar, it looks like a burn. I run my fingers down his soft skin. He's very lean and muscular, " When did you get this?".
" Never interrupt one of Evan's speeches........."
I laugh, " Why?".
" He burned me with a hot metal rod, because I protested against him,". I feel the burn scar.  " It looks like you got it recently!" I explain.  I bend down, examining the wound further. He grabs me and pulls me upward, I face him.  His brown eyes staring into mine.  His handsome face glowing in the dim firelight.

" I know you like me," He mutters.
" You do?"
" I always knew......and I like you too," Surprise fills in me.
He strokes my face, he leans in for a kiss.  It lasts for a minute, we then let go.
" First kiss?" Lee asks, I nod.  His warm breath soothes me, for the rest of our watch we sit close to one another watching the stars.
" You never answered my question?"
" I don't have a family..........never did," I rub his back.  He shifts away then comes close again.  I rest my head on his shoulder, we hold hands.  I'm in love, and I can't pull away from it now.

  I feel someone watching, I turn around to see Phora sitting upwards.  Jealously glimmering in her eyes.  What is she so jealous about? 
I ask her that morning, " The world is a living sauna and you're getting horny on a guy you just met!" She hisses as we walk through the forest for fire wood.  We decided that we would stay in these woods for another night.  " That's not the only thing! We didn't just meet, I have had a thing for him for y-".
" Oh! So you're letting your sexual fantasies get in the way of survival!"
" Maybe my feelings for him will help the survival of the human race!"
" Or just ruin our 'group' and cause problems!"
" Girls what's taking so long?!" Kieran calls, Wolf walks along side him.  Those two have grown the same relationship that Wolf and my dad had.  Maybe he thinks he's my Dad.
Phora flicks her hair back, glaring angrily at me.  " Nothing" She says defiantly.  She walks past Kieran and heads back to camp.  I walk after her, Kieran grabs me.
" Look, I don't know what's going on with you two, but it needs to stop now!" Is he talking about Lee or Phora?  I don't bother asking, I pull away from him and run back to camp.  Wolf follows, I run into Lee.  " Hey!" He says.
" Hey," I call back, we embrace.  He then kisses me on the forehead.  Phora gives us a look of jealousy, I glance back at her.  A face of confusion comes from Lee. I distract him away from Phora with a smile, he then smiles back. He then starts packing up.
I stare angrily at Phora, don't ruin my relationship with him I think to myself aggressively. Phora then turns to her bag and slings it over her shoulder.
" Better watch it, " I mutter as I grab my bag.
" Fuck off," I glare at her angrily, I want to strangle her so badly at that moment.
" I could've just skipped you entirely, so you should be grateful," Phora purses her lips and steps back. I won the arguement, and I feel empowered. That pride begins to fade as Phora turns around and punches me across the face. I screech in pain, I fall to the floor. Lee helps me up, " bitch!" I hiss.
" Caroline-"
" I regret coming this way to find you,"
" Well, I've been thinking the same thing, I should've shot myself in the face instead of following a triggered, overly sensitive, unstable little girl and her little rabid dog!"
I turn around, " Yeah, you're right about that.........that I am triggered and unstable, I've seen too many people die while you've been crying in your little apartment," I feel anger and sorrow, a tear runs down my cheek. " You wonder why I'm unstable! Because I've had nightmares! Paranoia long before I found you, months of going to several different societies, all of them slaughtered! I KILLED A FUCKING TEN YEAR OLD YESTERDAY!"
" Caroline-" Lee strokes me shoulder, I pull away.
" No! Fuck you!" I storm off into the forest, Wolf dashing behind me.
That's it, I am sick and tired of people, I am going on my own again.
Just like old times, me and Wolf, going on crazy adventures....................

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