Chapter 4- Gideon High

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" Every kid that had parents that never showed up are here!" Kieran explains as we walk through the society consisting of only teenagers. " So parents never showed up to save their children when this started?" I ask.

Kieran nods, his sniping partner, Heather grins. " Look at Evan, he's still not talking to anyone and is acting really creepy!". Her fiery red hair shines in the light through the cafeteria, Evan, my arch nemesis, stares at me. He wasn't originally here, he was part of the cannibal group. I still gave him a dirty look, " You killed my family, I killed yours, simple!" I growl at him. He stands up, his body trembles in anger.

He grasps my throat, he spins me around and slams me to the wall. He takes out a switchblade, I screech in exhaustion. I purposely drop my gun for Phora, she quickly picks it up. " Better be careful!" Heather grabs Phora and slams her to the wall.
" Phora!" Evan punches me in the stomach, I fall to the floor.
Kieran stands in horror, " Evan, think about this!".

Evan turns to him, " I'm the boss here, so shut up! This girl killed my family! Now it's time for her punishment!".
" I killed your family? You fucking ate mine you son of a bit-" Evan kicks me in the stomach. Kieran lunges at Evan, " You cannibal!" Kieran yells. He viciously slams Evan into the wall, Evan's blond bowl hair flicks violently as blood splatters everywhere.
Kieran lets go, Evan falls to the floor. " YOU INJURED OUR LEADER!" Heather howls at Kieran. " He's no leader, he's a cowardly, evil cannibal who ate this girl's family!".
Evan groans as he gets up, Kieran stands bravely.
" You have betrayed me then," Evan growls, his eyes dart angrily towards me.
" I'm not taking orders from you anymore, Evan," Kieran stands there, brave.
" Then you will die with them, get them all ready for execution," Evan tells Heather.
" No! You can't!" One girl yells, " He's my boyfriend!". Now I remember, Sarah, Kieran's girlfriend. I recognize a boy behind her, I recognize him. Lee!
" Lee!" I yell at the boy, " Lee help us!". The boy is surprised to hear his name. Two boys grab us and begin to drag us away. Shouts of protest come from the crowd of people in the hallway.  A gun shot is heard as the boy holding me falls to the floor in pain, Lee grabs me.  " Let's go!" He says.  I don't know him directly but I have always had a massive crush on him for some reason.

" Come on!" Lee pushes us through a door way into another room.
" We need to get out of this!" Kieran pants. We all sit there, panting heavily. " How? We have no supplies nor do we have enough people to help us, just the five of us!". Kieran stands up, " Either way, I'm done with this place, I never knew it was so corrupt,".
" Neither of us did," Lee says, Kieran nods. " We need to create our own group of survivors, ones that show mercy,".
" I agree, but for now, while we build this group up, we trust no one we see, is that clear?" Kieran growls.
" How we trust you people, we just met!" Phora hisses.
" Did you not forget that I saved your precious ass out there!" He cuts off as a knock comes from the door, Phora takes out her knife. Wolf growls quietly, Kieran opens the door as Sarah barges in. She embraces Kieran, " Oh thank god!".
" So what are going to name" I ask.
Sarah is confused, " What?".
" We are creating a group, leaving this place!" Lee tells her.
Sarah snorts, she flicks her brunette hair, " Good luck, Evan looking around me the whole campus for you people!".
" Then why are you here?" Kieran asks.
" 'Cause I knew Lee was planning this for a long time and he only told you recently...".
" Come with us, don't you wanna leave?" I ask, my green eyes glaring into her amber eyes. " No, I-I can't, this has been my only home for the past year........I can't leave it,".
Kieran fills with surprise, " You know what Evan is now, come with us! Please!".
" No!" Sarah spits, " I will cover for you while you escape, now go!". She guides out of the room and into the hallway. Blood stains the walls, " What happened?".
" All out murder is going on, Evan is killing everyone that isn't loyal to him!"
Screams echo from behind us, gunshots are heard. " Go! They're coming!".
We run down a hallway to the exit, " HEY!" A boy blocks us from the exit.
I take out the gun, pointing it at him.  He stares at me, suddenly alarmed. He takes out his gun, pointing it at Wolf. " I know he's yours, so put the gun down and we'll be done here!".
" Really, that's what you think? When Evan finds us, he will kill us, chop us into a million pieces then feed you our remains, he's a cannibal, the food you have been eating the past few months is human meat. And you're going to be next if you don't let us leave!" I growl. I notice out of the corner of my eye everyone looking at me, but I keep my focus trying to bribe the boy. " Well how do you know he will do that?".
" How do you he won't?" I snap back, " He's a nasty person and you know that,". The boy is probably twelve. He looks young, and I don't have urge or courage to kill him.
" How old are you kid?" I ask, the boy stands there.
" Ten," Younger than I realized, wow.
" Ten................." I hand the gun to Kieran, " I can't kill him," I mutter in his ear.
" I know," He mutters back. He points the gun at the boy, " I'm sorry,".
The boy begins to tear up, " You're going to kill me......".
I notice a painting on the wall behind him, " Look at the painting kid, behind you,".
I hear Phora tearing up behind me, I take the gun back.
" You guys go," Kieran nods leading the others past the boy. Who is facing the painting, crying. He looks back, trembling.
" I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"
" I know sweetie, just-just look at the painting," I begin to realize that I am crying now. This is how my brother died, executed by my father. " Just look at the painting,".
His head lays low, " I'm sorry, please don't kill me,".
" Just look at the painting, please just look at the painting,". The boy refuses, I see Phora peeking through the door. Her face shines with tears, she hands me the knife.
" Please, just end him quickly," She whispers as he sniffles in the background. I hold her hand. I then turn to the boy. " I'll tell you what, we'll look at it together.....".
" Ok,"
I hold him looking at painting of a few doves in flight. " It's ok," I swiftly stab the boy in the back of his neck. His crying stops, just blood, blood. I begin to cry, screaming.
Phora helps me up, and we leave the boy. Bloody on the floor, staring right at me.

I have realized what I have done now.
Killed a ten year old boy? Yes, but something else.
I am also a monster, everyone is a monster in their own and I lied to this boy.
I lied to him, really lied to this boy. I killed him, not Evan.
I did.

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