Making a mistake? - Pt 2

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A/N - The image above is Isla Wilcox :)


I can't remember much of the night I think I just blacked out. I woke up at 6:30. At least today I had enough time. I jumped out of bed and went to take a shower. The warmth embraced my body. I lathered myself in cotton candy soap and took 10 minutes to shave my legs.

I pulled my hair out and let it fall around my face in perfect tousled waves. "A little hairspray shall keep it in place." I applied a thin coat of mascara and concealer to my blemishes. I rummaged through my cupboard to find an outfit. I decided on a woollen tight dress with a leather jacket and black ankle boots. "Can't look shabby for Miles." I grin to myself. I throw my stationery in my bag and stroll downstairs to the kitchen.

"You're bright and early sweetie." Mum kisses me on my cheek.

"Yeah didn't want to be late." I say reaching for an apple.

"You look cute, who are you trying to impress?" I see mum smirk from the corner of my eye.

"No one." I snicker.

"I think I will catch the bus this morning."

"No your Dad can drive you."

"Okay." I let out a sigh.

"Do you have everything?"

"Yes Mum." I respond

"I'm off to my room." I dart up the stairs and slam the door shut.

I check my phone waiting for a message from Miles. Nothing.


I hear dad shout from downstairs. I grab my bag and join him in the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie, you're looking nice today."

"Thanks." I mumble

"She's trying to impress someone." Mum whispers to Dad.

"No I'm not, ughh...!"

Dad gives me a look.

"Well we better be off before Judy Moody loses her temper." Dad spoke.

Dad unlocks the garage and I sit in the car annoyed. I plug in the aux cord and just listen to the tunes for the whole ride.

"I'll pick you up this 'arvo." Dad grunts.

"Okay." I pick up my bag and walk into the school doors.

There is where I am greeted by Malibu Barbie.

"Well isn't it Crocodile Dundee." She mocks.

"Shut up, I have no time for your bullshit!" I hiss through clenched teeth.

She seems to be taken aback by my sassiness. She looks at me dumbfounded moving her mouth but not saying anything.

"Cat got your tongue." I grin.

"Whatever." She flicks her long, straight blonde hair over her shoulder and shoots me a dirty look.

I barge my way through the chaos of the corridor and get out all my stuff that I need for Science. As I'm pulling out my books I feel a strong grip on my waist. I turned around to see deep blue ocean eyes staring into me.

"Hey." Miles whispers into my ear

"Hey." I feel my face fluster at his appearance.

"What do you have now?" He asks looking at the stack of books.

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