Boy Drama - Pt 10

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 Above is a picture of Aidan ^


*Ashley's Pov* 


My phone started ringing obnoxiously loud. I hurried to my bed to answer it. 

"Hello?" I questioned.

"Hey baby." A husky voice replied.

"Oh Aidan. How was work today, I missed you." I twirled the cord around my fingers. 

"Work was great. I was just calling to tell you something." 

"What is it baby?" I trembled slightly, fearing that he was going to break up with me. 

"You know Chloe right....?" He dragged on.

"Yeah." I stuterred. 

"Well she came into my work yesterday." He stopped abruptly. 

"Go on." I urged him. 

"Actually don't worry." His voice sounding blunt. 

"Please tell you're not cheating on me." I cried into the phone, tears forming in my eyes. 

"God no." He chuckled into the phone. 

"Well what were you saying?" I said sternly. 

"It's no big deal." 

"Whatever." I jeered.

"See you at school." He chirped. 

"Bye." I hung up on him suddenly. 

I slumped myself on the floor, cradling my knees into my chest. Forget Aidan, he never finished his story so I'm going to ignore him. 

"Ashley!" My mother sung from outside my room. 

"What?!" I screeched. 

"Are you ready?" She waltzed into my room.

"Yes." I turned my face so she couldn't see my tears. 

"Ashley look at me." Her voice soothed me.

"No." I hissed. 

"What's wrong honey?" She wrapped her arms around me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"It's nothing." I cried into her shoulder. 

"Well something is obviously wrong." She lifted my chin to see my hidden face. 

"It's nothing really, just small troubles." I gave her a weak smile.

"Are you sure?" She glared at me, furrowing her eyebrows. 

"Trust me." I squeezed her. 

"Okay then." She helped pull me off the floor. "If anything happens, please tell me." She glanced at me with worrying eyes. 

"Okay Mum." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Off to school." Mum grabbed her purse and keys while I hopped into the front seat. 


"I love you." My mum pecked my forehead. 

"Love you too. I cheekily grinned. 

"Have a good." She blew me a kiss as I slammed the door and walked into School. 

I strutted my way into the front doors, swaying my hips from side to side. I carried my books and placed them away in my locker all while trying to avoid Aidan. 

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