He's my boy - Pt 7

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I woke up cradled in Leo's arms. He stirred in his sleep, light snores escaping his mouth. God he's so attractive. His muscular arms clutched me closer to his chest, groaning as I  squirmed around. My phone left off a buzz, notifying I had a text. I tried to untangled myself from Leos arms without waking him up. I inched closer to my bedside table trying to wiggle myself out from his arm but failed miserably eventually waking him up. 

"Where are you going?" His husky voice murmured.

"I need to get my phone." I poked his nose. He wriggled his nose at me. 

"No you're staying here." He scooped me up again and kissed my nose.

"But I need to see who texted me." I pushed his arms off my body and leaned over to check the screen. 

"But I'm cold." He playfully pouted. 

I turned my phone only to see a text from Chloe.

Chloe: Can we talk?

I thought curiously and wondered why. Chloe never has any troubles.

"Who is it babe?" Leo mumbled from underneath the pillow.

"Just Chloe."

"What does she want?" 

"I don't know." I texted her back, anxiety flooding me. 

Isla: What's wrong?

Chloe: Meet me at Starbucks at 10

I glanced at my phone. 9:45. That was in 15 minutes I have to get ready. 

I pulled myself out of the comfort of my bed and hopped in the shower. I quickly washed my body and hair and frantically searched my room for clothes. 

"What are you doing?" Leo glances at me slightly smirking. 

"Stop looking at me. I'm finding clothes, I'm meeting Chloe in 10 minutes."

"You look good in a towel." He seductively growled.

"You're such a perv. You should probably leave soon." 

He eyed me up and down, licking his lips. 

"Umm Leo?" I waved my hand in front of his face. 

"Sorry what?!" He spoke breaking out of his trance. 

"You should leave soon, I'm meeting Chloe." 

"Uhh yes." He jumped out of the bed reaching for his shoes and fixing his hair in the mirror. 

"See you later baby." He kissed my on my cheek and dashed downstairs fleeing my house.

My phone buzzed next to me. I glanced at the screen seeing a text from Chloe.

Chloe: I'm here. When are you coming?

Isla: Just getting ready :) 

I threw on my graphic t-shirt and pulled light wash jeans on and slipped my vans on, fixing my face in the mirror and then dashing out the door. 

I hopped in my car racing to Starbucks. 

Chloe was sitting in a booth with a worried expression on her face. 

I greeted her, she wasn't looking me in the eye.

"Is something wrong, you okay?" I touched her hand but she flinched. 



Tears streamed down her face .

NO CONTROL // Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now