Worst Day - Pt 4

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I woke up to the blinding sun peeping through the curtains. "ugghh!" I grunted pulling the pillow over my head. I glanced over at my alarm. Neon lights read 6:37. I hauled myself out of my bed, wincing at the slight chill of my room. I strolled over to my bathroom flicking the lights on. I observed my appearance. I turned on the shower washing my body and contemplating life.


10 minutes passed and I had finally finished showering. I pulled my hair up in a messy ponytail and applied bb cream and mascara. I slipped on a yellow striped shirt and ripped black, skinny jeans and threw on my Nikes. I tip-toed downstairs trying not to disturb my parents. I grabbed a muesli bar and stole $5 dollars off the bench. I left a note regarding to my parents that I had left for the bus. I ushered upstairs to grab my phone and hurried out the door. being greeted by the cool, Californian breeze. I strolled outside to the bus stop. Leaning against the pole I checked the time on my phone. 7:30am. The bus should be here soon.

A loud, rumbling sound came around the corner. The big, yellow school bus appeared from around the corner. I waved my hand notifying the driver.

I jumped on board scanning my card.

I plonked myself down at the window seat.

"Oi, Crocodile Dundee!"

I've heard that voice before. Then it hit me like a train. It was Ashley

"Malibu Barbie." I smirked.

"Don't call me that." She whined.

"Why not?" I snarled

She stood up in fury. Strutting down the aisle.

"Crocodile Dundee." She hissed

"Just fuck off, will you." I growled.

"Ohhh, is someone on their period."

Actually I was but she didn't need to say that.

She blew a kiss and proceeded back down to her seat, cackling like a witch to her friends.

I stared out of window waiting until I met Leo and his contagious smile.


The bus pulled up at the school entrance. I managed to push my way through the crowd of people. I noticed Chloe's brown locks through the gaps of people. Excited and upset to tell her about what happened yesterday. I ran towards her.


She flicked her head around to face me. She shot me a look of disapproval.

"Chloe?" I asked in confusion.

Her facial feature faded and her face beamed up.

"Sorry." She squeezed my petite body.

"I heard about yesterday." Her eyes instantly glazed over.

"Oh, um, yeah." I stuttered.

The bell rang causing our conversation to stop.

"I've got Maths." She smiled

"Me too!" I enthusiastically shouted like a 5-year-old.

"Want to walk together." She batted her eyelashes at me.

"Yeah okay."

We bounced into class only to be awaken by Miles and his band of misfits. I glared at him in disgust. He hid behind his jacket trying to break eye contact. I dumped my belongings on a spare seat making sure the distance was far away from Miles.

NO CONTROL // Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now