Teen Wolf Fame Change
I'm just pathetic, 2 weeks I've been locked up in my room, I've been crying and screaming and more crying.
I even did research on this Courtney girl, I can't compete with her, she's a model and super sweet and pretty, she's a model and over all an amazing person, I hate her.
"Laur, Dellys going to be here in an hour if you want to shower or somethin" Lori knocks on the door, I've locked it.
"I'm good, I just want to read" I call back and by read I mean all of the comments about their relationship, some people ship them, some people are saying that she's an angle from above and some people are saying she needs to die, I don't agree with either.
Why is life so complicated, nearly every comment is about her, can I find her Twitter or maybe Instagram.
"Laurie?" It's Delly, I literally hit the floor and run to unlock the door, I fiddle with the knob like a dying seal before getting it open and falling into her hug.
"I missed you" we cry a little,
"I missed you more Delly" she tightens her grip on me,
"Let her go, our turn" the boys speak up,
"Come here" Rydel and I let go and I start with Ell.
"Hey, you've gotten taller" Ellington laughs hugging me, him squeezing me like Delly did,
"Hey, i think you're just shrinking" I laugh this time,
"Riker" I let go of Ell and walk over to Riker, who's awkwardly standing in the hall,
"Laur" he's swept me off my feet this boy, literally, my feet aren't touching the floor as he has picked me up to hug me and bury his face in my neck.
"You need to shower" Riker smiles as he puts me down,
"I know, just been drained lately" I frown,
"Hey, he'll be here in like 4 days, we'll talk to him" Delly puts a hand on my shoulder,
"And Courtney" Ellington chokes up,
"What?" I feel tears coming in,
"He's coming home but he's bring Courtney" Riker pulls me into his chest,
"Can I go to Africa?" I ask,
"Why would you want that?"
"Because no wifi, no people, no worries" I walk back to my room, bring Rydel with me of course.
"Have you been stalking her?" She picks up my computer,
"Maybe, I wanted to know my competition" tears begin to drop from my cheeks,
"He's not mine"
"But he's not hers" Rydel scrolls through my computer files on her,
"Yea but I guess I was just his first but not last love" I mumble as my tears cry tears.
"Listen, it's almost dinner, come down eat with me while you catch me up on teen wolf, then you can go to bed thinking about how'll you'll fix the problem" she hooks arms with me pulling me downstairs.
"There she is, come here baby girl" Stormie pulls me into a hug, she hasn't seen me in like 82 hours,
"Wait she dies?" Rydel asks furious she was number shipper of Scott and Allison,
"Yea, I haven't got any further" I put my pizza plate on the coffee table.
"No she has to come back" Rydel exclaims,
"We still have Lydia and Stiles" they are so cute, Dylan is such a hottie,
"Whatever, I think Scott and the other girl might be cute, not as cute as Alison but still cute, just Scott and Alison were so cute and loving" she begins to rant,
"Rydel!" Riker yells catching her attention,
"Shut up, we are all sick of this posey guy" Ellington agrees,
"You're just jealous" she falls back in the couch,
"They so are Tyler's abs" I put my hands to my heart,
"He has a girlfriend princesses, get over it" Stormie enters the room.
"Did you tell her about Ross?" Stormie asks,
"They did, I'm gonna sleep on my decision on what to do, speaking of that goodnight" I just get up and leave,
I'm not tired at all, I just don't want to talk about him, it hurts to think, I gave up everything I had for him, he gave me everything.
I guess fame does change people....
I know all these chapters suck but I have no idea what I'm writing!
I have two ideas in mind and you guys will hate me for both but I need drama!! This is my soap opera!!!
So let's getting crying, screaming, fighting and dying!!!!
I'm kidding about dying......
-Sadness xox

What Happened • Raura Sequel
FanfictionSequel to Mamas Boy. When being apart from someone you love is hard, you push through it because that's love. But.. He forgot about me. What am I going to do?