(Curious do you guys think that it's two words or one? Pinkment pink-ment..)"Wake up you bed hog!" I'm yelled at by Alexas groggy morning voice, I can't help but groan, Alexa and Courtney stop shaking me once they realise I'm up,
"Im up" I groan a giggle falling from my lips, raising my hands to the air, my sign of defeat, I fling my legs over the side of the bed, the carpet cold between my toes, but today is shopping day, for outfits to the dinner to be exact.
I'm nervous, excited, happy, scared, I'm, I'm nercitapped, I don't even know how'd I'd say that out loud, not even going to try too but I wonder how you would say it out loud, everything always sounds different in my head.
I drag myself out of bed, rubbing my eyes as I stumble down the hallway, the room filling with the smell of toast and the popping of coco puffs, im not overly hungry, my nervousness is eating me.
"What you guys talking about?" I yawn,
"We were just laughing about how Alexa and Savannah are here with boyfriends but haven't much time with them" Lori laughs, Courtney joining the laughs, Rydel must be in the shower,
"Only you, me and Alexa still need a shower" Courtney says,
"We're just waiting for Rydel who has been in there FOR LIKE A HOUR!" Alexa yells obviously hoping to give Delly the hint to get out, we have unlimited hot water but I'm guessing someone's planned to leave by a certain time.
"She's probably washing her hair" I smile sitting on the ground where everyone else is, taking a bite of Vannies jam toast,
"Hey!" She taps my shoulder, shoving me as if saying screw you that's mine,
"I only wanted a little" I giggle, wiping jam from my lip with that back of my hand,
"Finally!" Lori breathes as the pipes stop shaking meaning Rydels out of the shower,
"Who's next shower?" Vanni asks, lying back on her hands,
"I'll go, I promise I'll be quick" I stand up running to the kitchen to pull a towel out of the plastic bag, that contains the towels we stole from the lynch house, Stormie hasn't noticed.
"You better keep that promise" Alexa yells as I walk down the hall, I watch Rydel walks into her room, leaving wet footprints on the carpet, before I turn the corner to bathroom, almost smashing my elbow into the door frame.
I turn the tap back on, the screeching of the pipes loud and clear from inside the closed door echoing bathroom, I turn the tap all the way to hot, before stripping down to nothing, running my fingers through the water and adjusting the tap, before deciding it's the right temperature and I want to get in.
The warmish water trickling down my spine, as I make sure to not get my hair set, even though my hair is up in a messy bun, it's still falling out, considering its bed head hair.
I let the water drop in my hands before carefully splashing it on to my face, I'm so tired I need something to wake me, like coffee, I'm going to get coffee, even though it's bad for me and it could save me a lot of money, if I didn't buy a coffee, if I didn't spend money on coffee for a whole year, I would have enough money to go to Australia, I think, damn but that would be a long plane ride, what if it crashed and I died in the ocean or what if it went up in flame or the plane goes to high and we get lost in outer space, or what if theirs a crying baby next to me the whole trip, well I'm lost in shower thoughts, I need to get out.
I turn the water off and grabbing the nice soft, fluffy white towel, wrapping it around my body, tightly so it doesn't fall off before picking my clothes up off the cold floor and walking to my own room to get dressed for the day.
It's going to be one hell of a long day, if I do say so myself.
I'm going to wear a big black baggy jumper with the words, 'well this got interesting' written on it in big bold white letters and just a pair of plain black legging that are to big because I'm a shorty.
Bra and underwear first, doesn't matter if the don't match, never do to be honest, slipping my leggings on and then my big jumper, it's so warm and toasty, toast... Now I'm hungry.
Crawling over to the suitcase lying in the corner of the room, it's just a little pink one that's full of my hair and makeup supplies, I pull my hair brush out and begin ripping it through my hair, not caring if it hurts, I flip my head forwards, gathering all my hair and then tying it into a ponytail, I can't help but smile at how easy that was.
Searching for my mascara, I apply only one coat to my top and bottom lashes and adding just some pinkment coloured lip balm to my lips, well I'm ready, I slip on my white flats that were just sitting next to my bed from where I threw them off yesterday.
Sorry it took so long I've written more then this I've just halved it so it won't be as long to read in one sitting.
Love you guys!
Please don't be a silent reader.-your boy C-Dizzle.

What Happened • Raura Sequel
FanficSequel to Mamas Boy. When being apart from someone you love is hard, you push through it because that's love. But.. He forgot about me. What am I going to do?