Secrets out to Riker
Ross and Riker continued to slam their fists against the door all night, leaving us girl with not one moment of shut eye, I'm getting ready to stab him before I talk to him.
"I'm going to text Ell and Rock to come up" Rydel says after 20 minutes of good dead silence, we wait what feels like seconds before,
"Open the door, it a rocky" definitely Rocky, Alexa gets off the bed and let's him in, giving him a peck while leaving the other yelling about it being not fair,
"Where's Ell?" Lori asks,
"Putting pants and shirt on" Rocky shrugs,
"Dude open the door?!" Riker yells,
"When you're calm" Rocky says back,
"So what's up? I got a text about murder" all our eyes flip to Rydel,"I'm tired and they are annoying me" she states the obvious,
"Open the door?" That's Ell,
"Thank you Missy" Ellington greets me as I open the door,
"So why do I have to commit a crime?" He looks at Delly,"Can I come in please?" Riker asks calmly, I glance at people before Alexa opens the door, giving Ross a glare to stay back, Riker walks in calmly and just sits in the bed,
"What the fuck! Is going on?" He raises his voice slightly but I can't blame him,"I can't dare to look at him, how can I talk to him" I sit down on the floor, next to Lor,
"We have news" Rydel says changing the subject, note to self: thank later,
"We have brought an apartment we all moving out together" Rydel speaks on the behalf of all of us."What?" Ellington asks,
"You serious?" Riker questions,
"I think it's a good thing" Rocky says all happy,
"Well when do you move in?" Riker asks,
"Uhh when we want too" Alexa shrugs,
"Why did you need us again?" Ellington asks,
"To help us take our stuff to the new place" I speak up, Rocky sits down next to me, with a head nod of okay,
"When?" Riker looks at me,
"Whenever is cool" Rydel says,
"As long as it's before we leave in 2 weeks" she makes a straight face to show she's serious."Well let's start with letting you girls get some sleep" Ellington grabs Rydels face and looks at her bags under her eyes,
"We'll leave and when I say we I mean all of us" Ellington says a little louder, making sure the quiet but heavy breathing Ross can hear."see ya later girlies" Riker says and the boys walk out.
"Finally a night sleep, let's do it" Rydel flops on her, while Lori walks out to her room,
"Can sleep in your bed? It's comfier then Rocks" Alexa does the puppy pout face,
"Sure lets go" I smile and walk to my room with her, skipping tiredly behind me.
I'm back, I'm home! I'm happier then ever!! Hello beautifuls
Tell me how your day has been!!

What Happened • Raura Sequel
FanfictionSequel to Mamas Boy. When being apart from someone you love is hard, you push through it because that's love. But.. He forgot about me. What am I going to do?