chapter 21

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"LAURA BREATHE" Savannah yells in my face as we all sit squished in the 5 seater car, that's currently hold 6 humans, her yoga breathing techniques didn't calm me so everyone went to last resort, Rydels talking about cake, chocolate cake, Alexas is talking about shopping, Basically shoes, Lori's talking about music, pretty much 5 Seconds Of Summer, Courtney's just rambling about love, my mind is glued to the unintelligent babble oozing out from her lips though but everything that left her mouth had a fare point to it.

"Love is love" is the words she keeps repeating through the dark side of her true words,
"Laura breathe if you walk in there, everything will be fine because love is love and love makes everything okay because with love, it means you've found the person who will never judge you because love over rules how good or bad you look because love is love and Ross knows that, so walk in there and show him you love him, go in there tell him you love him because love is love and you can't stop something so strong because of a bump in the wide zigzag mess of a road"

"I can do this, I can do this" i repeat to myself in a whispered chant as the girl begin smiling, switching obvious glances asking who called me down but also letting out small sighs of short breath, pretty much saying my work here is done,
"I'm ready, let's go" Lori gives me a look of unsettlment but still continues to open the car door let four of us girls out of the backseat.

"You can do this" Rydel smiles at me before unlocking the front door with her house key, that hangs with her car keys, the being locked for some strange reason, finding it annoying at first because of jiggle bell sound it makes.

I can't help but look over of all us girl, we all look casually beautiful, it's kind of like Cinderella hit the getto, okay that's not what I meant, I jut mean we look good and high class at the same time, kinda, we just look really good is what I'm trying to get across.

"WERE HERE" Lori yells extremely loudly, as my eyes dance across the room only capturing the only movement in the room, is all the guys raising from the couches, they looks good, especially Ross with his longer hair, I missed him.

"Hi Laur" Ross says in a soft whisper as he makes his way closer to me, Lori parted off to the kitchen as all the love birds friendly created each other, Rocky speaking a little loudly about how sexy Alexa looks.

"Hi Ross" is the only words audible from my lips, what's wrong with me? I had this whole thing planned of what I wanted to say.

Rydel pushes everyone out of the room as she watches us intensely, just like everyone else as they enter the dining area.

"You look beautiful" I just want to get to the point, breath you can do this, okay I'm ready.

"Ross thank you, you look well yourself, I want to apologise abo-" I begin poiring my heart out when Ross speaks over me, which he know I hate.

"I should have told you, instead of ignoring because I didn't have the nuts to tell you" he look like he's about to cry as he says what's on his mind, but I need to say what's on mine.

"Ross please listen, I want to apologise about ignoring you and completely snobbing you, I was just mad and upset because I had to find out through the Internet instead of you but in the last few days I've realised that I need to get over myself and talk to you but how could I talk to you when you didn't speak to me"
I croak out, my voice losing in tone as tears threaten to spill from my eyes, I don't know why I'm crying just saying the word my hearts in over drive, I guess I love this boy more then I know.

"So are we breaking up?" He asks his voice same tone as mine, does he want to break up? I guess I knew I'd never be good enough for him.

I'm just some hopeless stripper, who's fallen in love with a geek who turned into a musician, he feel in love with his job But that's the thing I fell in love him.

I fell in love with that blonde dork, with the bow tie on a normal Friday night, the geek who called for us to have a room and had no idea what he was doing, the loser with the loud friends, who were trying to get rid of his virginity.

The guy who spent almost 300 dollars on me but he didn't want to screw me or touch my chest well he hardly even looked at me and when he did he wore the stupid goofy smile, I still to this day can't get enough of, he just wanted to talk lovely nothing to me.

He wanted to know me, not what i was, he searched my soul before searching my body, he spoke to me, soft and gentle, actually wanting to know, we didn't get hung up in all the I don't knows, he always just wanted to take care of me.

I mean beat the crap out of my boss, my boss abused me, Ross, he was like God had sent me a guardian angel to protect me, sure Ross looked small and scrawny but he worked some muscles on him, he actually used violence, for me, He took care of me and made sure I was safe, he held me so carefully because knew it for my sake.

my fear of commitment was completely shattered when he walked in, all of his actions made me realise I didn't need to be scared of him, so I wasn't, I trust him more then I could ever trust anyone.

I thought my boss abused me cause he loved me but now I know what love is because I have felt, I have seen it, I've heard it and it's beautiful, the words, the feelings, the gestures. He has never let me forget that he loves me an I don't think I'll ever forget it.

"Do you want to break up?" I ask my tiny peaceful together heart shattering as a single tear breaks it as it drops from my cheek to my shirt.

"No, do you?" He asks me, I can see the tears swelling up his eyes.

"No" I sniff a little, I love this boy, I LOVE THIS BOY!

"I love you Laura, please don't ever leave me, if you leave me I don't think I could ever find love like this again and in all honesty I don't want to try and find it again" his hands slide on my cheeks as he wipes away my tears on my cheeks, his big ha da cupping my face.

"I love you to Ross" I think that's all I need to say, it's the only thing that needs to be said.

Ross's lips capture mine for the first time in 8 months, that spark that's been there since day 1 not just tingling my lip but my whole body, his hands gripping my hips softly as my hands hold his face.

I never want him to leave, I want to stay in this position forever, I want to feel this feeling of passion and love and support for everyday of my life and when I die and hopefully see him in heaven, if I make it there.

"I love you" he whisper his forehead pressed to mine, as we breath heavily,
" I missed you"

"You too Ross, you too" I love this boy more then he will ever understand.

Sorry it's was crap.

I tried my best, it's sucks I'll probably edit it soon but next chapter will be the last chapter, I tried my best to makeup emotional.

I love you!


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