Who am I kidding?
We got back to the apartment, which doesn't feel like home yet but it will soon, at about 4 pm yesterday, I was a long day, of meeting people and shopping to find what made us each individually feel like a princess.
I literally just sat on the couch for like 3 hours scrolling Twitter, finding photos of us girls, in blurry photos, good photos, us with fans, all huddled together.
I found a tweet about how Ross put a photo of him and a girl on Instagram but I honestly don't want to see a photo of him and Courtney being all lovey dovey, it's weird as it is hearing about all the fake stuff they do.
My brain kinda just took off yesterday and I thought about what happened yesterday and how I never thought be famous or at least known to people, could be so difficult and so invading, it's a crazy life style.
The girls and I just ordered pizza and ate in the living room on the floor, the girls were extremely quiet but it was such a long day, I couldn't wait to go to sleep, my eyes were falling out of my head, just needing sleep, no sleep when your dead.
We all went to bed early, Courtney and Lori falling asleep in my bed, the are like heat magnets, I was sweating like I had ran a mile but it was so nice cuddling, don't get me wrong, I felt so loved and cared for, I was safe and protected and it WAS SO COMFORTABLE.
I slept like a baby, I passed out like a light, tomorrow morning is a quiet relaxing morning and then in the afternoon were going to get ready for the nice dinner.
I'm excited for what Lori surprise dessert is, that's pretty much the only thing I'm looking forward too besides hopefully looking good.
But I'm way more nervous for talking to Ross, do you think he might yell? Scream? At me, maybe he might storm away or just not pay attention to me, what am I even going to say?
Maybe I should just say
"I love you and I'm sorry" I just don't think it'll be enough for him not to be mad at me causing who am I kidding, he's probably so mad, he's so longer the shy, gentle hatted boy he left with, he's definitely come back stronger, physically and mentally.Asdfghjkl
Updated for you all.
Please like and leave a comment.
Do I have any little mix fans reading? Cause if so I'm loving their music at the moment.
Leave a comment your favourite little mix song is!
Mine are Boy, Competition and they just don't know you.
I've had them on a loop.
Anyways I'll leave now.
- Eighteen

What Happened • Raura Sequel
FanfictionSequel to Mamas Boy. When being apart from someone you love is hard, you push through it because that's love. But.. He forgot about me. What am I going to do?