Chapter 22

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He's so precious, in so many ways, I never in a million years thought a girl like me could fall in love with someone like him, or even if I could fall in love at all, or fall as fast as I did for Ross at that.

I never thought I'd be a girl who would able to say,
"My life's finally complete" because one day in the future, I hope with every last night in my tiny, breakable body, I will be able to say those four beautiful words and then look to my side and see, my hopefully husband, Ross, the one person! I never plan on losing and if I did I would do everything in the world to get him back.

"Laur, you okay?" Ross looks at me from his original seat, since he was little and they made designated seats, next to me at the dinner table, as we sit nicely seated next to the person we admire most for love.

Ross's hand on my thigh, not in a sexual or touchy kind of way, it's kinda just placed there, jut to say he's not moving or leaving, more of an intimate, loving way, I love it, just the tingles it leaves rushing through my leg, it makes me so happy, I really missed him.

I finally look over to Ross, His look concerned and worried, I must have zoned out of this beautiful moment, which I can say with the full truth, a day I'm going to remember until the day I die.

"Yea I'm great" a smile spreading to lips as I can't help but do that when I look in his eyes, this boy will be the death of me, with those beautiful eyes.

"You are pretty great" his lips making contact with my forehead as the table turns their attention to us, after months of being with Ross any looks during our romantic moments bring redness to my cheeks with a stupid blush and my awkward smile.

"I missed you to together" Stormie stands in the doorway from the kitchen, with what looks like brownies in her hands but a huge smile on her face.

"Trust me I missed it more the you did" I giggle, a hand on my shoulder rubbing it lightly to my right, Ross being on my left, Courtney to my right.

"It's finally great to see Raura in action" she bursts out laughing along with the other people seated at the overly large table,
"Damn I've waited long to say that" she laughs a little hard shaking her head leaning back in her chair.

Tonight couldn't get better if anyone tried, this is probably the second best night of my life, first obviously the night I met Ross but that was pretty obvious.

I love him so much, I should probably say that one out loud instead of in my head because I have learnt that always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, but regrets can last a lifetime and I'm not going to forget my words and actions ever.

"Hey" I poke his cheek, after working up my courage, my finger staying to his cheek causing him to giggle with a mouthful of chocolate brownies.

"Yes?" He nibbles good falling out of his mouth,

"I love you"

"I love you too" he swallows down his food, after like 2 bites just to say back, he's such a dork.

"It's you" words slipping from my lips,

"Pardon" he says looking more confused then I do, I can't believe I said it out loud, might as well tell him what's on my mind,

"It's you, in a thousand lifetimes in a hundred ways, it's you. It'll always be you. Your the last person I want to talk to at night and the first person I talk to when I wake up, sorry I'm being weird" I quickly look away, I can't believe I just said all that, I'm so stupid.

I probably just murdered and chance of him loving me still, I just pretty much said propose now, even though I don't want that.

I mean I do just not now! I would love it if Ross proposed, just not today or tomorrow or this week. Maybe in like a years time.

I'm lucky people can't hear what I'm thinking.

"Laur your over thinking, it's okay, please don't me feel as horrible as your silence is making me feel" he looks down locking our fingers together, sending sparks up my arm.

"I'm sorry, I promise it's nothing I love you so much please don't forget"

"I love you to Laura" his lips taking a quick second to smash to mine as he uses one hand to hold my face while his other is still locked with my other hand.

I love this dork.

"I love you"

" I love you too"





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