1. If someone has it much worse off, it doesn't change the fact that you have what you have, you're allowed to feel like your world is ending
2. Tell the people you love, you love them. All the time, never let them forget it
3. True friends will always lift you up. If someone puts you down, especially for the things you care about they are not your friend, and they do not deserve a place in your life
4. Give compliments often. You never know what a few words of kindness could do for a person
5. You cannot expect things to change if you never speak your mind
6. You will not survive everyone leaning on you if you never allow yourself to lean on someone else
7. Boundaries are important.
8. You must be as understanding towards yourself as you are towards others
9. You're allowed to say no without feeling guilty
10. You're allowed to disagree with your parents' beliefs
11. Let everything you do be done with kindness and good intentions
12. Do all things with great love, it will change your life
13. You must accept the things you cannot change, dwelling on them will only bring you down
14. Your body is the temple of your soul, do not allow yourself to be influenced into harming it.
15. Pain is only temporary.
16. No one will save you, you have to be your own superhero
17. Time will heal all wounds, but they will leave scars. Embrace them
18. Trust your instinct
19. The world will try to make you hard, don't let it. You cannot truly appreciate the good without remembering the bad
20. Do anything and everything that makes you happy unapologetically 21. The hardest relationship you'll ever be in is with yourself. It is also the most important one
—life lessons that have change my life (via recoveryisbeautiful)
Inspirational: 365 Days A Year. ♥
De TodoExpirer, c'est mourir. L'inspiration, c'est la vie. La vraie vie. C'est le souffle en profondeur, à l'intérieur de l'être. Comme si le Vent, dont nul ne sait d'où il vient ni où il va, inhalé par l'être, lui insufflait l'essence des choses, la subti...