Sometimes my mind is cluttered with a lot of thoughts. I think about everything, everyone, and too much about myself. I think about the past, the present, the future. I think about scenarios that could've happened if I kept my lips sealed, or if I was brave and didn't care about anyone's dispirited opinions. I have a terrible habit of jumping into an ocean of asphyxiating thoughts, and you would think someone else drowns me, but the truth is that I drown myself because I don't know how to be happy with myself, and everything that's happening in the moment."
—Alexa Evangelista, The Book I'll Never finish Writing
Inspirational: 365 Days A Year. ♥
DiversosExpirer, c'est mourir. L'inspiration, c'est la vie. La vraie vie. C'est le souffle en profondeur, à l'intérieur de l'être. Comme si le Vent, dont nul ne sait d'où il vient ni où il va, inhalé par l'être, lui insufflait l'essence des choses, la subti...