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So L and J found themselves with a steadily increasing number of cases as their reputation grew, another of the most notable being the Blood Eagle murders, which took place when J was thirteen, and L, twelve. By now you may have guessed that J was around 5 months older than L, almost exactly, in fact. J, when she was younger, would often tease him about this fact, in between cases, when the two were allowed to be children with a sweet tooth. It shouldn't really come as a surprise to you, the reader, that one of their pastimes, back when they did have spare time, back when their nights were spent with frightened huddling instead of bright screens, was watching detective programmes. Quite often, they were able to guess who the murderer was, nevertheless, they enjoyed them, in particular, the Doctor Blake Mysteries, because of the realistic plot line, as well as the complex crimes that took place. I also enjoyed it when, at the age of 9, they recommended it to me, during the first and last time I spoke to them together.

Now, before I tell you about how they solved the aforementioned Blood Eagle murders, I should tell you that J had an interest in history. It interested her that thousands of years ago, there were societies very similar to our own. Were we to get rid of our electricity, and other modern inventions, I don't doubt that we should be living in a society similar to that of the Greeks. It also interested her how humanity developed. For a detective of her type, investigating the murders and crimes that she did, seeing so much evil everyday, it may come as a surprise to find that J is quite often an optimist, who tries to see the good in people. She genuinely believes that nobody is purely evil, nobody is born a murderer. Even Kira, who killed the man she loved the most, she knew started out with good intentions.
But is the road to hell not paved with them?

Now, onto the Blood Eagle murders. I found that this case stood out among others, because it was one of the cases with almost no evidence, that seemed impossible, and they solved it in no time at all. I believe it was maybe two minutes after they were notified of its existence?
As well as this, L and J had moved out of Wammy's house, due to the fact that Watari had started using it to train successors for the two. At the time I believe that A and B were the only ones there. I was one of the earliest Wammy's children, but not early enough for me to have met them. All I know is that A commited suicide, and that B grew up to become the killer behind the Wara Ningyo murders, which I believe that my associate Mello has already recounted, so I will not waste my time in doing so.

I seem to waste time, do I not? All you need to know is that L and J were no longer based in Wammy's house, and spent their time spread around the world. Again, onto the Blood Eagle Murders.

"J, we may want to take this case. Ten students at a University in York have all been found dead, lying face down on their beds, with their lungs ripped out of their chest, and spread onto their back." This is where the name 'the Blood Eagle Murders' was coined, as in Saxon times, there was once a myth about a man who had his enemies killed using the "Blood Eagle," that is, ripping out their lungs to become the wings.
"I suppose there is no point in asking how it is mentally possible to want do that. So, they are in a state of mind that allows them to do this, they are most likely a history professor at the University with a grudge against the students targeted. Check the subjects that the students are studying, find if they are all studying history." From what she knew, J had a pretty good guess of how to find the killer, but she did not know however, that she would be able to do so in such a short amount of time.

"J, could the murderer also be a student in their class with a bone to pick with their classmates?" L inquired
"Um, I don't think so, just let me check," J paused, and studied the profiles of the victims that Watari had given her. "Nope, while they do all have history, most are in different classes, but, the thing is, they all have the same history teacher. A Miss Amelie Bulton."

"Watari, would you be able to access medical records on miss Bulton's psychological state?" L asked Watari, knowing that it would be fairly easy once he requested that the school give out information, given the state of panic the university must be in. Within a minute or so, Watari had been able gain information, and discovered that she had been diagnosed as psychopathic.
"L, I'm guessing that she managed to hack into the system, right? Otherwise she probably would not be allowed to work there."
"In which case, she may be smarter than we think. In fact-" L was interrupted by the screen turning green.
"Trying to find me? It will not hurt to tell you that within 30 seconds, Amelie Bulton will have never existed." The words flashed onscreen one at a time, accompanied by an electronic screeching.
"30 seconds. This proves that it was her, J, quickly, send her identity to the police, we have," He looked at his watch, "20 seconds."
"Already on it, um, do you think that they'll get it in time?" She hit the send button, the Email reading:

The killer behind the Blood Eagle murders is Amelie Bulton. In 20 seconds she will disappear. Stop that from happening.

Obviously, by "disappear" and "have never existed," both girls meant that Amelie would delete all computerised data ever recorded on her. Legally, Miss Bulton would cease to exist, never would have existed. The perfect plan for hiding. Well, at least, that was the plan. Because of J's email to the police, they had a (very) small window of time to take precautionary measures. Thanks to a member of the police who was gifted with computers, George Jeevas, information on Amelie Bulton was kept safe, therefore making it easier for the police, L and J to catch Miss Bulton.

Upon her conviction, Miss Bulton laughed, and said that she underestimated the police. I do not find it difficult at all to consider that she knew that it was not the police who caught her, but perhaps the strange boy and girl in shadows, who were undetected by the police. Miss Bulton had a high IQ, and I think she knew she would be caught. It will also come as no surprise to you that she was killed by Kira.

Whenever I recount the previous cases of L and J, I try to make an effort to also detail the state of their personal life, so here follows an... update, would be the best word, on what changed between the issue of World War Three, and their current case.

J, who had been complaining about the impracticalities of having long hair, decided to cut it short, just below her ear. They still were plagued by horrific nightmares, and had began to use the lack of sleep they were now getting to their advantages, for cases. Watari had became like a parent to them, despite how much the pair missed their original parents. L had had one sugar rush which I believe that J teased him about up until his death, according to J, it was both terrifying and hilarious. Of course it was also around this time, maybe just after this case, that they began to develop a slight crush on each other. Needless to say, they were extremely good at hiding it, and only found that the feeling was mutual when they were 24, which I really should remind myself to write about. The amount of post-it notes...

You should, if you are reading this, be aware of L and J's existence, how could you not be, after all, you have been notified of three of their cases, you should also be aware that I once attended Wammy's House. It isn't as if I kept that a secret. Now, as I was saying, you should be aware of their existence, and by that I mean the people, not the distorted voice behind a computer. I am aware that only a handful of people, myself included, have met L as L, and J as J, so I have taken measures so that only one who knows of them will be able to access this... story. In truth, I do not know why I created this, other than the fact that I did not want their story to be lost.

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