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Another few years passed without much incident, unless you count the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases as 'much incident', but, as I said earlier, I will not recount those events, due to Mello already doing so. I suppose the only incident worth noting is that, a few days before the Kira case (the main focus of this document) L kissed J on the cheek, and then they carried on as normal.

L and J watched the news as Watari made, or attempted to make a cake for the pair of them (the reason they did not make it themselves was because the two possess little to no knowledge of the culinary arts; I have been witness to J attempting to bake something, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she almost set the kitchen on fire) of course, you will be wondering why they, the world's greatest detectives, were watching the news. It is because they had finished their previous cases, and they wanted to see if there were any cases on the news that posed an interest to them, after all, most people hear about most things from the news first. It would later prove to be an advantageous decision to do so, because it was whilst watching this particular news broadcast that they would find their first piece of information on the Kira case, thus leading to their (accurate) deduction that Kira was based in Japan.

Of course, for this deduction to take place, the news report will have to have done so as well. I suppose you will know that this particular news report only aired in Japan, and, for them to witness it, they also had to have been residing in Japan at the time. Luckily for them (and the rest of those wanting to catch Kira) their most recent case needed them to go to Japan. I may speak of this case at a later date, but, until then, it is of no significance to the main basis of this document, which is the Kira case.

"The man who indiscriminately killed and wounded six people yesterday in Shinjuku is still barricaded inside this nursery school, with eight hostages, including little children." Half listening, J felt sorry for the children held hostage in the school, after all, she did have more than her fair share of being held hostage, she had not forgotten the case of Joseph Lorent.

"Poor kids..." She commented, thinking that, at the time, the best way to save them would be for the armed forces to obviously go around the side, and, whilst the suspect was focused on them, a smaller group would go and kill him, or knock him unconscious, thus freeing the children. While she was thinking this, she stopped listening to the news report, until she heard what was, at the time, the unthinkable. The hostages were leaving the building unharmed.
"This just in! The captor is inside the nursery school, and he is dead! It appears Otoharada is dead!"
J began to notice something pretty odd about the entire situation, "L, come here a sec, there's something pretty odd about this whole situation," she gestured to the news, and L hopped onto the couch facing the TV, bringing his legs up to his chin, next to J, who was sitting with her legs crossed.
"Well, the suspects are apparently saying he suddenly collapsed..."
"A heart attack?" J's eyes grew wide with alarm as she realised what it could be, "An...unexplained heart...attack." She started muttering her thoughts again, "Maybe it wasn't unrelated, no, it has to be related, I may have sworn to never treat that day as a case, but now...now I'm not so sure... L? What do you think?"
"It's definitely worth looking into, that's for sure, but we should wait, and we should see if there's anything else similar to it." By 'it' he meant deaths caused by inexplicable heart attacks, because, if you remember correctly, J's family suffered a fate similar to that of Kira's victims, so of course she would take interest in the case; if it could even be called one at the moment. Perhaps that is one of the main reasons she stuck by this case, even after it took almost everything from her.

L and J spent the next few days speculating about what had happened, and, more importantly, searching both the news and the internet for similar deaths. Within a day, 15 deaths caused by inexplicable heart attacks had occurred, all of them being suffered by various violent criminals worldwide. Due to the fact that these were suffered by criminals across the world, and that it is impossible to travel from the USA to Japan to France in three hours, they deduced that the person or persons behind this (if there even were any people behind this; this early in the case it was anybody's guess) would either have many orchestrating the murders, or, if it was a small number, 1, even, the killer would commit his murders from afar. Also that the killer, or killers, had a sense of justice, which was the motivation for their crimes.

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