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Hi Beautiful/Handsome.

This is a book of poems I wrote. Two years ago I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. Since then I had my ups and down, but in January 2016 it got worse. I was slightly suicidal through all two years of my depression, but this January I hit bottom.

It's August now, and I am getting better. Still depressed, still think about taking my life from time to time, but I'm better.

Beautiful/Handsome, I know you may think there is a no way out. I know there can be thousands of possibilities of what are you going through. But there, for sure, is a way out. I can promise you that much. I know that you think no one wants to be your true friend, the one who sticks with you through thick and thin, but there is one out there. And if you already have one, focus on the good things. Laugh, love and life. Life is a horrible punishment but it's still bittersweet. Love can be so deceiving, but, oh, so beautiful. And laugh that falls from your lips should always be true. I hope you know that.

You are a beautiful warrior, and you are a handsome knight. Don't you dare give up on this fight. It's easier to surrender than it is to live, and I know that it seems too much, and there is no God whatsoever. I'm not saying there is God, or that what you are going through isn't too much. I'm just saying I know that you are strong enough and I believe it with all my heart.

Yes, I lied to my family and friends for years, but no. I'm not lying to you. YOU WILL SURVIVE THIS BATTLE AND WIN THIS WAR.

I love you even though I don't know you. Because as they say: "I am in love with people I've never met and cities I've never seen."

I hope everytihng you wished for, all the good things you wished for, will come true.

Warning: the poems might be triggering. If you believe you cannot stand reading depression and sucide poems because you might be triggered, please, for your own good, don't.

Note: Most of the songs are written in "she" point of view because it is dedicated to my ex girlfriend that to this day is still suicidal, and my friend that commited on 4th January 2016. But I know boys are suicidal too, so please know that I was thinking about you too. 

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