Chapter 7: I'm sorry

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Erza POV

The fact that Natsu only looked like he was going to be sick once on the train, is a very rare sight. All I could see him do was look at Lucy with worried eyes, I have never seem him like this before and I'm not sure if it should worry me or not.

We were at the guild doors and Natsu didn't hesitate to walk in.

"Ah you guys are ba..." Mira said with a smile but she looked like she stopped when she saw Lucy all battered up and unconsious...well asleep.

"Oh my what happened" Mira asked frantically

Natsu had a few cuts himself too but that was nothing to worry about.

"We will explain later but rigt now we need to put her in the infirmary" I said seriously

Mira nodded and she, Natsu and Wendy went upstairs.

"Oh hey Erza you're back wheres Lu-chan?" Levy asked realising we were back

I sighed not wanting her to know but there was no stopping it.

"Come" I said rather sadly

"Uh...O-okay" Levy said confused

It's rather painful for me to do this to her but they are bestfriends right?

we walked into the infirmary and we saw Natsu sitting beside the bed with somewhat pain? in his eyes.

"Lucy...!" Levy managed to crack out "Natsu...what happened?"

Natsu didn't answer...then thats when it hit me...he knew her as a child and that must of been a big shock, considering he couldn't remember anything.

"I wasn't there for her..." he finally said "Back then...she was alone even though I told her she wasn't"

He seems angry at himself but wh-

"I couldn't protect her...even though she protected me...she was there for me" I saw a tear fall...

"Natsu..." I heard Mirajane say

Levy was crying and Wendy was trying to hold back her tears, I looked back at Natsu he had his head down, his hair was covering his eyes so I couldn't see if he was crying or not.

"Natsu." I heard master Makarov suddenly say

Although Natsu didn't look up he just simply nodded in acknowledgement.

"Could you, Erza, Gray and Wendy tell me what happened" Makarov said

Happy looked like he was about to object saying 'what about me' but he held his tounge.

Gray POV

Master Makarov got me, Erza, Wendy and Natsu down stairs to explain what happened, Natsu wasn't going to talk and Erza signaled me too...great but there was no arguing here.

"Well...from what I saw, I heard Natsu yell out to Lucy, he was infront a burning house, he called out her name again and that's when me, Erza, Wendy and Happy ran over to see if he was okay..."

I paused for a minute looking at Natsu and he still had his head down...he is starting to piss me off

"...that's when we saw Lucy Jump out of the burning house with a boy in her arms, she made sure he was okay but then a dark figure emerged from behind her and Natsu called out her name again and the boy told her to watch out...but it was too late, Lucy was grabbed by the neck and Natsu thretened to pound his head in but we told him no...then the cloaked man started to go on about controlling the mind and said Natsu was the cause of his plans failure..."

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