Chapter 8

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Eleanor's P.O.V

I woke up to the alarm, last night was rough for me , the reason was Zack , who ruined everything .

I stayed in the bed for 5 minutes thinking about what to do today .

After a few minutes , I got up from the bed . Took out clothes from the closet and kept them on bed . Then I went to take a warm shower . Well it's the only place to think about anything quietly by disconnecting from the world.

He was always on my mind. Even if I wanted to forget him , yet he stayed in my thoughts ,in my feelings.Zack.This guy ,I really have no idea about what to do with him.

Sometimes It felt like punching him harder for what he did last night.But I have to stay calm and handle this thing peacefully.

I took a deep breath.
I guess I'm in the shower for more than half an hour.Standings still , with the warm water flowing through my skin.It felt good . It made me forget the problems a little bit.

I came out of the shower , blow dried my hair , then wore a red shirt with black shorts.Then tied my hair in a pony tail.

I guess now I am ready to face Zack.

I took a deep breath,with my eyes closed for a while .Just thinking and thinking.

I took my sling bag and headed straight towards college .

It took 15 minutes to reach college.

I got out of the cab . Standing still infront of the stairs . I was shivering a bit.

I had to do this , I thought.

He ruined my date ,it was my first attempt for something new.He basically played with my feeling's. I wanted to kill him.

I went inside , waited for Zack to show up.But he wasn't in the college.

I stood near his locker , waiting and waiting thinking he might come.I was soo lost in my thoughts , that I couldn't hear Hailey waving at me.

ELEEAAANOR , she shouted waving at me.

Then I came back into reality.

What ?, I asked.

Why are you standing beside his locker , everything alright ?, she asked. Staring at me in confusion.

No , everything is not alright , nothing is fine , nothing ,I yelled.

Woah , okay calm down , why is everything not fine , tell me , she said.

It's Zack , it's always been Zack , I said , sitting down in the hallway beside his locker.

What did he do to you , what did he do to my best friend. ,Tell me . Is it because of last night? , she asked curiously.

I was shaking so badly , I was crying.I could feel my face swollen due to crying.

As I was about to say Hailey something, I see Zack standing infront of us,and looking at me in confusion.

As I saw him ,I stood up yelling and screaming at him.Everyone in the hallway were looking at us right now.

Great , a scene created because of me.

It's all your fault, I screamed at him. My eyes were blurred due to intense crying so badly.That I could barely see him.

What did I do to you? , he asked in confusion.

Yeah ,he might be thinking I am a total psychopath.

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