Sparks of insanity

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??? POV.

"You let her get away!? "I screamed at the tall man with black and white hair," You were to bring her to me! WHY CANT YOU JUST PULL OFF THAT ONE TASK!?" The man had started shaking as I felt his fear and I saw him tremble. His heart beat out of his chest, and if I was human I'd probably still be able to hear it's tremendous thump. " S-Sir I can bring her to you, just give me time!" The mans deep voice amplified in trepidation as my aura gave him a sense of stepping into dangerous territory. " I give you one last chance Hunter, if you fail to bring Shade to me I WILL MAKE YOUR DEATH MORE PAINFUL THEN THE WRATH OF USAGI'S TORTURE!" I hissed as I spoke in a sadistically cruel tone. "Y-Yes sir! I'll bring your daughter to you my lord!" The man quickly run out of my throne room. " USAGI! GET IN HERE!" I screeched as a very large blueish black demon dog came walking in. "Yes sir?" The dogs voice sent chills up my spine  as he spoke in a deep eerie voice. " Bring my daughter Shade back to me and DO NOT FAIL ME!" I demanded with a glare. "Yes Sir, I will bring her back to you..." Usagi sounded hesitant for the first time in his life. " Get of my sight mutt and do not come back until you have my daughter with you" I left the throne room as soon as Usagi left. " Soon my dear Shade soon Daddy and you will be together again ~"


owo welp I hope you like this part! Thank you for reading!

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