Sparks that started the Flame

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Usagi POV. (yes you will be seeing things from everyone's point of view)

I really didn't want to hurt her, I want to help her but I must keep the kings trust. I really care about her and Hunter,poor kid was adopted as Shade's big brother but the king only see's him as tool makes me so angry that I wish I could just quit working for him, but If I do I won't be able to save her from his twisted grasp. " Hunter there you are"
I spoke calmly and in a friendly tone. "U-Usagi? Oh thank god its you, I-I can't do this....I can't damn my little sister, so please....just kill me before he does." His words were full of fear and mixed with traces of sadness. It broke my heart to hear one of my masters talking like that."I can't kill you Hunter, but I can help you get away." I whispered in a low serious tone which sent shivers down his spine. " You would do that for me even though I'm pretty much nothing to you?" His words hit me like a bag of bricks, it felt as if he lost all hope of ever being free." Hunter I see you as  family! I see you as the late queen had seen you! You are family Hunter and I will not let him hurt you like he hurt the queen." I growled in a low eerie tone, my large muscular body tensed as my anger started to take over. "U-Usagi...........I'm scared...." Hunter cried and started to hug me tightly. My heart just ached for the poor child raised by mundane's then taken away and sent to the 7 rings of hell only to be trapped here from the age makes me sick just thinking about it. "Please Hunter don't cry....everything will be ok I promise....I'll get you free." I tried to comfort him and I was able to do so with out a problem. I was shocked that I was able to do that without messing up, and making him cry harder." Usagi l-lets go......" His tone was unreadable, I couldn't read his emotions anymore....I don't understand how he's able to do that, no mundane can pull that off.....there's something about him now...he's different. His aura has changed... He's hiding something from me....but what? How can this mundane do something only a full blooded angel or demon can do?  I have so many questions that aren't answered yet.. " Hunter what are you? I know you aren't a mundane... So tell me what you are"


A/N: omg this one is super long! 456 words! I normally only write about 200 -251 words! Well I hope you like this thanks for reading! The next part should be up by later today!!

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