The Burning Flame

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( Warning! Triggers may be a head!!!! You have been warned.)

"Is she awake yet?" An irritated voice asked.  "Well I-I haven't  checked."  The voice sounded some what guilty and much more friendly then the one before it. "Let the poor kid sleep, she's been through  enough." This voice however sounded more  dominant unlike the others: it was deep, soothing, and very controlled. 'Wake up, you must keep moving. He is still after you, it's not safe here Shade.' when did this person get here I wondered as I slowly took in my surroundings. " where the hell am I?" I asked quietly to myself  not expecting the strange  voice to answer me. 'Shade your not safe! Your in a house full of demon's who want to kill you or take you to your father! Run while you can!' It cried as I quickly shot out of bed frightened by the sudden screech of the voice. "W-What do you mean? Who are you, better yet what are you?" I growled in a low threatening tone  'Lady Shade please, now is not the time for silly questions! Your father is sending Hunter and I after you! You must run!' The voice became deep and familiar. "Usagi! What's going on? Why is this happening?" I began to panic until someone knocked on the door. "Are you ok? Also who are you talking to?" The large male had asked in a rather curious tone.

(Sorry it's really lazy and short. I'll go back and fix it later.)

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