You and Austin have been dating for 11 months and 30 days almost a year...
You just get off work and your best friend Abby texts you and says 'hey club 2nite? Xoxo'
'Ya just got off work meet u there in 20!!'
~20 minutes later ur at the club with Abby about to walk in...~
Abby gasped, "Abby what's the matter?" she points to a couple making out and getting very touchy. "what why are you looking at them?". You say suddenly confused at why she gasped. "its..." she says "WHO?" you say in a whisper yell. "it's... Austin... I'm so sorry..."you look and you feel the tears threatening to spill. You walk their way and you tap his shoulder. "hey Austin..." The. He turns and sees it's you " Y/N it's not what it looks like... I..." You look at him with tears falling out of your eyes, your make-up probably everywhere but your to pissed to give a shit. "you what you didn't mean to sit in the corner feeling this hooker all up? or you didn't mean to try and suck her fucking face off?... you Know what I don't even give a fuck!!! your a douche! don't you ever talk to me again... WE ARE FUCKING DONE!!!" You turn on your heels and run out with Abby running after you. you get into your car and drive home you unlock the keys throw them on the ground, take your shoes off and slam the door. you go to the kitchen grab a knife and cut you right arm you see blood spilling everywhere... last thing you remember is seeing Austin run in and then everything went white...
Haha cliff hanger.. love you all!!!!
Part two will be coming next!!! I have big news to tell you all... I have a boyfriend!!!! he is sooo cute.. but he's a shorty.. but still he is too Cutee!!!
Alright part two be coming soon!!! Xoxo </3

RandomDid this forever ago, honestly is horrible. Not good at all. I wouldn't recommend you guys reading this. So, READ AT OWN RISK!