Sad... :((

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This is true... it's me and my Ex...

You and your boyfriend Gage. you have been dating 1 month and 5 days...

You went to your friends house, Jazmine, and she also had a oral named Ashley there. it was maybe 10:00 pm. You were texting your boyfriend and had been for a while zoning everything out. Your phone vibrated and you had te biggest smile on your face reading his name-Gage<3-

G- Whatever

You-Don't whatever me!

He had been saying whatever a lot and it was starting to piss you off.

-20 Whatever's later-

You-say whatever one more time and I'm gonna be pissed!!!

G-what the fuck ever.

You-go fuck yourself dick! and don't bother texting back.

G- calm the fuck down I was just joking.

You-it wasn't very funny!

G-I though it was... calm down... why do I even like you.

You-you dick why the fuck did u even date me? I fucking hate you.

G- calm down, you know I can break up with you...

You- then fuckin do it. actually I will.

G- are we still dating?

You- I don't date dicks... so no

G- okay you were a hoe anyways....

That sent you into tears. you cried while your friends comforted you after they read the messages.

You-wow.... I hate you never talk to me again. let's forget we ever even dated.

G- no

You- why the fuck not? I mean you never liked me and you called me a hoe...

G-I was kidding

You- it wasn't funny

G- well whatever Idgaf... bye.

You just sat there and tried hard not to cry. when you got home the day and went to bed you cried yourself to sleep. you kept telling yourself 'he's not worth your tears' but it never seemed to get trough to your eyes...


This was about me.... hope you all likes it... single as a pringle... I know, I know, you don't care...

Love you boo's<333

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