Alana... Not celebrity

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This is for one of my bestirs Alana... it is not a famous one.


Alana's P.O.V.

I was walking with my usual group, Macy, and Kayla. while walking I was thinking about my crush... "ALANA!!!"

Macy shouted while lightly smacking my arm. "what?" She looked at me clearly annoyed. "have you not been listening to me the whole ti-" she stopped looking at me clearly amused. "You were thinking about Ja-" I cut her off by slapping my hand over her mouth. "SHHH!?!?"

Just then Kayla piped up "Jackson and Alana sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g.." She stopped after look at my face. "Let's sit down..." Kayla said scurrying off to our table. I go and follow her,when I sit there someone walks up and taps my shoulder. "h-hey, can I-I have your umm... Number?" you turn to see your crush Jackson standing there. "umm s-sure, it's 937-555-7777" you mentally slapped yourself for stuttering, but smiled at the thought he wanted your number.

"Thanks, umm ill text you later? I gtg get some food."

Uhh yeah! bye"


You got your food and sat down with the biggest smile plastered on your face. "Alana why did he say?" Kayla and Macy asked at the same time. "Haha, he asked for my number." they looked at me happy and surprised. "woohoo finally" after we settled down we got to our last class.

~Later that night~

You were sitting on you bed watching TV when your phone vibrated.

Unknown number- Hey Alana? It's Jackson.

Me- Yeah! Hey!!

Jackson- Hey, What's up?

Me- nothing much you

Jackson- Getting the nerve to ask this girl I really like out...!!!

You read the text and tears started pouring, you prepared yourself to text him back after a minute or two of calming down.

Me- oh... who is that?

Jackson- Umm... I'm just gonna say it. it's You!!! So will you go out with me Alana Marie Holsapple?

Me- YESS!!!! I have been waiting for you to do this for forever!!!!

Jackson- I didn't think you liked me... I have liked you since the 1st grade... sorry it took me so long to ask. and I know this is too early but I've gotta say it, I Love You, and one day I'm going to marry you no matter what. and you better believe it!!

Me- You better, and I Lovee You Too!!! And I'm so happy you asked me out!!!

Jackson- ill text or talk to you in the morning. I'm going to bed... Night Love you!!

Me- Love you too nightt!!!

That night u texted your besties, all of them and went to bed with you cru-Boyfriend on your mind for the dirt time, your boyfriend....


Hope you liked it it only took me in all like 30 minutes... but this is to a friend and I wanted to make it to the pout and simple... Votee! Comment! Thanks for reading!!!

Love you, Boos


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