Mo, Cutee!

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Imagine- You and Niall are having a cute little girl soon. You are around 8 and a 1/2 months pregnant.

Niall was laying on the couch with you singing lullabys. You two just finished painting the baby's room maybe an hour ago.

"Baby I love you so much, and I can't wait to have our baby." you said smiling up at your dazzling husband. he smiled first then leaned down and kissed you passionately.

"I love you more Baby-momma. And I can't wait either!!!" You giggled at the name he gave you.

"How many children do you want Ni?" He smiled one of the most wonderful smile, and looked you in the eyes. "With you, hmmm... A million!" you smiled and pecked his lips.

"Being realistic... I wanna know!" his playfulness was gone and he was serious. "I don't even care as long as I'm with you!"

A blush crept up your cheeks. 3 years of marriage and he can still make you blush. You snuggled into him, when you started to feel something wet on your legs.

"Babe? Did you spill something?" he looked at you confused. "No why?" your eyes widen and you start to panick. "It's happening... GET THE BAG!!! HURRY!!! AHHHHH" you started feeling some pain. you almost fell when he grabbed you arm and helped you outside.

Once you were both in the car he sped to the hospital. "babe this is painful can you please hur- AHHH" you cried out in pain again. "Shh it's okay baby we are almost their." you could hear the nervousness in his voice as he talked.

Once at the hospital he ran to your side and helped you out while you walked slowly into the front doors.

"HEY WE NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE!!! WE HAVE A PREGNANT YOUNG LADY HERE!!! SOMEONE HELP!" Niall screamed, everyone turned their heads and some doctors or nurses came and put you on the 'bed with wheels' and took you to a room.

"Hello Mrs. Horan, how long have you been having contractions?"

"About half an ho-AHHHH, Hour!!!" you half screamed.

He walked out and yelled at the doctors to help. A nurse came and helped you get in the uncomfortable gowns. After that the put your feet up and he looked at you.

"We need to start soon. this baby is coming fast!!!" he yelled out towards the doctors.

They started rushing around and told you to push and you did just that. "AHHHHH" you screamed in so much more pain than before. "MOTHER FUCKING BITCH THIS HURTS!!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME? AHHHH FUCK!" you screamed out in pain. towards Niall.

"Shh baby it's alright you'll be glad you did this after. I love you! you are so brave." Niall whispered in your ear.

You gave one more hard push and blacked out.


You woke up hearing babies crying. "Niall would you stop making baby noises?" you said sort of harshly.

"Baby open your eyes... it's not me." you instantly opened you eyes to see Niall. You look to your other side and see your mom Holding a baby with a blue blanket. "I thought we were having a girl?"

"We did... we had twins a girl and a boy. What do you want name them?" That's when you saw your dad walk around with a baby in a pink blanket.

You gasped surprised. "let me hold then please." you had both babies and you looked at the girl and had a perfect name. "Lilly Anne Horan. and you can name the Boy."

"Mitchell Drew Horan." you smiled at him and pecked him on the lips and looked at your two gorgeous children.


This was originally going to be a paragraph and have different ones after that... but I had to continue!!! it just flowed out of me... not awkwardly!!!


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