Prom Part 1

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Creeper bitch's P.O.V.

Today is the day!!! the biggest day of my life... The crown is the most important thing to me right now. He will love me if I get it. we could be together. HE WILL LOVE ME. WE ARE GOING TO HAVE KIDS. THAT BITCH WILL DIE IF SHE COMES BETWEEN ME AND CODY...

Cody Simpson... The love of my life... <3

Your P.O.V.

Today is Prom!!! I can't wait. one step closer to graduating. tonight I'm just going to party!?! screw anyone else!!!

Bzzzz Bzzzz

My phone started buzzing."Hello?" You said. "Hey Beautiful" your cheeks turned a shade of red. "Thanks Handsome." he chuckled. "Come to your window." you went over and looked across to his house and you saw him shirtless and waving at you.

"Damn what I would do to that body...." You saw him smile and point to your phone. "Give me some details babe... " Then he winked at you.

You totally forgot that he was on the phone.. you immediately covered the curtains and hung up embarassed.

Next thing you know your hearing...






Part one up. part 2 tomorrow.

Love you Boos!!!! ;)


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