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Harry's POV~ I heard a crash in the kitchen, forcing me to jolt forward and sit up in bed, I rubbed my eyes.

The sound from the kitchen were probably just an animal. Stretching my arm out to reach for my girlfriend, I realized we didn't have any pets. I frowned and opened my eyes, discovering she wasn't there.

My hand ran along her pillow. I wish she was. Ugh... downstairs was so far. I threw my legs over the side of the bed, and didn't bother to toss a shirt on as I left the room, making my way down the stairs.

I stuck my head in the kitchen, seeing her sitting on the floor. "Need a hand, baby?' She turned and gave me a big, beautiful smile, "No, I'm okay." I walked over and put my hand down, for her to take.

She slowly intertwined our fingers as a pulled her up, kissing her on the forehead. "Did you sleep well, Valentine?" I said softly though her hair. I felt a nod. I smiled and pulled back to look in her beautiful grey eyes before rubbing my finger against her cheek.

"So are you ready to meet my mom and sister?" We were supposed to go down and meet them for Christmas dinner. The thing was, I wasn't sure exactly how they would act towards her. She smiled, making me give her another kiss on the forehead. "Alright, let's go get ready!" I pulled her up the stairs.

While we were getting ready I would occasionally kiss her and reassure her they would love her. She wore a long blood red mermaid dress that clung to her in all the right places. And some red pumps, I think you call them...? when we got there my parents fell in love with her and we had a great night.


It's Mo Abigail is in the hospital and sent me her imagine for you all... she is expecting surgery... Hopefully she won't get it but he might.. but that is why this is so short... she said sorry and she loves you guys!!!!

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