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Your name is Dannielle. You are in love with your best friend, his name is Jake T. Austin. you two have been friends since Kindergarden.

Your sitting at the school after cheer, waiting on jake... you short short tight skirt was too short to let your dad see so Jake always picked you up. He was probably with another girl... he was your player best friend but you have loved him since you two met. you never told him because you didn't want to ruin your friendship Besides you would take anything you could get.you two were the kind of best friends that did everything together, you both have seen each other unclothed and everything. "D I'm Here!!!" someone said bringing you out of your deep thoughts, and back to the real world. you looked up and saw Jake. he looked as Hott as ever. he wore a blue shirt with aero, that showed his 6 pack, and some khaki shorts that made his butt look hot!!! " D? what are you looking at?" you smiled at the nickname he and only he called you. "yeah... take me to your house to change? please !" he looked at you and put his finger on his chin, acting as if he were thinking. "It depends if I get a kiss on the Che-" you cut him off by kissing him... but not on the cheek....


Alright I'm going to make a part 2... Hope you all like this. This just came to me in study hall...

Btw I'm in study hall... O.o

Flipping Bored.

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