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As we walk back in to the restaurant and sit down I see some lady over at the other side of the restaurant talking to a dude who looks like he works here. They keep glancing over at me and then the lady points to me and they walk over.

"Excuse me sir." The dude who's name tag says Steven says to me.

"Y-yes?" I stutter. I totally got us kicked out of here...

"This woman says that you were causing a disturbance and you hit an employee across the face, is this true?" Steven asks me.

"Yes, I did slap a waiter. but he was flirting with my girlfriend and making her uncomfortable and although I warned him he continued. I'm very sorry for disturbing you mam." I apologize.

"Oh that's quite alright, now that I see you were just trying to protect your girlfriend. That's very loyal of you." She smiles at me.

"thank you mrs-" "brown." She finishes, then walks back to her table.

"thank you for explaining sir. I will talk to your waiter, who was he?" He asks me.

"I don't know his name, but he looked to be in his early twenties, brown hair, a few inches taller than I am." I say.

"Okay thank you, but if this happens again I will have to ask you and your friends to leave." Steven warns.

I nod and walk back to the table.

*A few minutes later*

We were all sitting at the table talking and acting like normal people on a normal date for once, when Camryn excuses herself to go to the bathroom.

She gets up and walks off to the bathroom, and when I look up from my plate I see waiter dude going over to the hallway with the bathrooms.

"Uh... Guy I'm going to check on Cam." I tell them.

"Jack she can use the bathroom herself she's a grown up." Johnson laughs.

"I'll explain later. Gotta blast." I say and speed walk over to the hall.

As I get closer to the bathrooms I hear a girl shouting something, and As I enter the hallway I see that the girl is Camryn and she is shouting my name, because waiter dude is also in the hallway attempting to kiss her, and she's trying to fight him off.

"DUDE GET OFF HER!" I yell and push him away.

Camryn runs over to me and wraps her arms around my waist.

"You're a fücking âsshole." I say to him.

Cam let's go of me and I grab her hand. We walk out of the hallway and go find steven.

We finally find him at a table talking to some people who are eating.

"Um excuse me?" I say tapping on his shoulder.

"i'm a bit busy, sir. What is going on now?" He asks, clearly annoyed.

"You know the guy I hit earlier? Ya he just followed my girlfriend to the bathroom, attempted to his kiss her, continued to try and kiss her as she yelled for me to help her an attempted to fight him off and not only made her feel uncomfortable once again, but probably scared her for life." I tell him.

"Oh my, i'm so sorry. I'll talk to him once again, and I assure you this will not happen again." He sighs and walks off.

Camryn and I walk back to our table and sit down.

"I'm sorry that happened to you babe, you didn't deserve it." I whisper.

"Let's talk about this at home, i'm gonna try and enjoy the rest of this date." She smiles weakly and continues eating her salad.

We all keep eating and talking, when I see waiter dude storming over to our table.


"Hey man, you got fired because of yourself. It's not my fault that you harassed my girlfriend." I say putting my hands up in defense.

"Come on man, square up." He says, raising his fists.

Camryn and I look at each other and start laughing.

"You are ridiculous. I'm not fighting you. Please leave." I say.

"Fine, fine. I'll leave. But first." He pauses, then smirks.

He raises his fist, and punches me straight in the nose, then the eye, then the cheek and the forehead. I fall to the ground and he continues punching me.

"SOMEONE HELP!" Camryn screams.

Blood immediately starts dripping from my nose and other parts of my face

Some people come over and grab the dude pulling him off of me, and out of the restaurant.

"Oh my god Jack!" She yells.

"We should probably go home now." Jacob suggests and everyone nods.

Johnson goes and pays while Camryn and I go to the bathroom to get some toilet paper for my nose.

We all meet back at the car and drive back to the house. As soon as we get there Camryn pulls me upstairs and in to the bathroom.

"Stay here, i'm going to get the first aid kit and some ice." She tells me and runs downstairs.

Seconds later she runs back into the bathroom carrying the icepack and first aid kit.

"Sit on the counter." She tells me.

I jump up on the counter and she stands in between my legs with a kleenex in her hand, dabbing away the blood. My nose had already stopped bleeding. She opens up the first aid kid and takes out a bottle of peroxide.

"This might sting a bit." She warns me and grabs my hand.

Camryn applies the peroxide to the cut above my eyebrow and I wince, squeezing her hand even harder.

"Ouch Jack that hurts." She laughs.

"Oops sorry." I say letting go of her hand.

"All done! Here's the ice for your eye." She smiles.

"Thanks Camryn, I don't know what I'd do without you." I say and kiss her cheek.

"Let's get ready for bed." She suggests. I nod and we go our separate ways to get changed.

Once we are both ready we crawl into bed and decide to watch grown-ups 2 on netflix.

Around 40 minutes into the movie I look over and see Camryn asleep, her head resting on my shoulder.

I shut the laptop and set it on the bedside table.

"Goodnight Florence." i say and shut my eyes.

"Night finnegan." She mumbles as I drift off to sleep....
Yikes this is a violent chapter

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