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I told Camryn that I would take her on a date today, but I don't want to do anything fancy. I just want to talk and have a good time. I grab my phone off the living room coffee table to text her.

To: Cam❤️
I'm coming to pick you up in 5 minutes for our date

From: Cam❤️
What?! That's not even enough time for me to pick out an outfit, then I have to do my hair and my makeup😁

To: Cam❤️
It's a casual date. Just throw on whatever clothes you see first. You don't need the makeup, you're perfect without it.

From: Cam❤️

Since it takes me around 5 minutes to get to her house I decide to start driving there now. I walk outside to my car and drive over to Camryn's place.

Once I pull in the driveway I honk the horn to let her know that I'm here. 30 seconds later she comes out of the house and gets in the passenger seat of my car.

"Hello." She says.

"Hey." I smile.

"Where are we going?" She asks me.


"Wow you are really devoted to McDonalds." She says and I laugh and nod my head in response.

We pull up to the restaurant 7 minutes later and walk inside.

"I'll order, you can get a table. What do you want?" I ask.

"I'll just have a medium fry." She tells me and I nod before walking up to the cash register.

"Hello what can I get you?" The cashier asks me.

"Hi can I get two medium fries and a Big Mac?"

He nods and presses a few buttons on the cash register then looks up and says,

"That'll be 9.45$."

I hand him a ten dollar bill and he hands me back two quarters and a nickel.

I walk away and stand at the far end of the counter and wait for my order.

*5 minutes later*

"Big Mac and 2 medium fries!?" I hear the cashier call.

I walk up and grab the tray, then walk to the of the restaurant where Camryn chose to sit.

"Here you go m'lady." I say handing her the fries.

"Thanks." She smiles.

We sit in awkward silence for a while, just eating our lunch, until Camryn finally speaks up.

"Things don't need to be awkward between us you know. I've already forgiven you for the most part. So let's just talk, like we used to."

"Deal." I smile.

"So what should we talk about?" She asks.

"Well even though we dated for a while, I feel like we don't know that much about each other. Let's play 21 questions." I suggest.

"Okay, I'll start. Favourite colour?"

"That's a boring àss question, but blue." I laugh.

"Well that's a boring àss answer. Now ask a question." She shoots back, also laughing.

"Okay, favourite colour?"

"What the hèll? You just- never mind, it's black." She sighs. "What's your favourite song?"

"Oh my god that's the most impossible question ever! Uh... Honestly any song from Drake's new album." I say. "How about you?"

"Hmm... Either San Fransisco by 5 seconds of summer or Teenagers by My chemical romance." She tells me. "Who's your best-friend besides Johnson?"

"You." I smile.

"Awh, thanks." She blushes.

"Uh Cam, can I ask you something really important?"

She nods.

"Uhm... Okay so." I take a deep breath, then continue with my question. "I know I royally fücked up and it's kinda soon, but will you be my girlfriend again?"

"Yes. But don't fück it up this time or I will fück you up. For real this time."

"YES!" I yell, earning stares from people at tables near us.

"Woah... Calm down there." Camryn laughs.

"Sorry, I'm just really happy that Your mine again. I love you Cam."

"I love you too Jack."

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