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One thing Adrien didn't know, is what he said to Marinette hurt her way more than he thought.

"Come on Mari, go do it!" Alya encouraged her friend.

"I can't! He's gonna-"

"Love you! Your amazing!" Alya interrupted me.

"I doubt it" I muttered to herself.

"Come on, your amazing, beautiful, super talented! He would be stupid to turn you down! Now come on, I'll be right by your side" Alya said, leaving me with a small smile.

"Fine" I sighed in defeat before walking up to the blonde boy. Adrien looked really mad. I turned back to Alya, who shoved me forward. "H-hi Adrien" I said as I tapped Adrien on the shoulder, he looked really mad.

"What?" He asked harshly.

"I, um," I stuttered. I took a deep breath and continued. "I've liked, no loved you for the longest time and I couldn't tell you, but here I am now telling you that I like you and," I said very quickly before trailing off.

"Mari, I'm sorry, but I really don't like you that way, I like someone else, so please go" Adrien said with a fake smile. I felt heat rising to my cheeks and I could hear laughter from none other than Chloe. Tears rushed out of my eyes as I ran. I turned back to see Alya run towards me, and 'accidentally' knocking over Adrien. Not wanting to talk to anyone, I ran, trying my best to get away from Alya, and into my room without being asked any questions by anyone. Luckily I made it and buried my face into my pilliow. I grabbed the closest knife I could find and watched through my teary eyes as blood dripped off of my wrist.
Sorry this was short, it was just the intro so that you know what happened
I'll have a new part up soon... hopefully
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