Part 1

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Tap tap tap.

I threw my knife into the dresser and pulled my sleeves down trying to hide my cuts. I wiped away my tears and let in the stupid cat

"What do you want?" I asked, sounding meaner than I meant to.

"Ouch, princess, what did I paw-sibly do to you?" Chat said with a grin.

"I'm really not in a good mood right now" I said as I sat in my bed.
Chats pov

"I'm really not in a good mood right now" Marinette said as she sat in her bed. Of course I know exactly why, and it's been killing me, replaying over and over again in my mind. All of the awful words I said to her. I had just over heard my father say that he doesn't care about me, and I was really annoyed, which I know is not a good excuse to treat someone that way, but it's the only excuse I have. The words kept playing over and over again.
Words. Oh what terible things they are.

"What's wrong princess?" I asked even though I already knew.

"It's nothing, really, can you please leave?" She asked without looking at me.

I gently placed a gloved hand on her chin and forced her to look at me as I said "It's not very nice to keep things from me, please tell me" I begged. She pulled away with a sigh.

"I asked this boy I really liked out today and he turned me down really harshly" she replied. "He said he doesn't like me that way, he likes someone else, and to go away" she continued, tears welling up in her eyes. I sat on the bed with her and hugged her for a moment, she hugged back, and sobbed into my chest.

"He's clearly a stupid, foolish boy who doesn't deserve your affection" I replied staring to my lap. It was true, I clearly don't deserve the affection of this princess.

"Don't say that, he's amazing, maybe he's mad at me for doing something, I don't know" Marinette said. "Can you please leave me alone" she said as she stood up with a regretful expression. She started to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist, causing her to wince in pain. I gave her a confused expression before pulling her close to me and pulling her sleeve up to reveal big red marks across her arm. I stared into big blue eyes which were filled with regret and sorrow, sadness and despair, and it was all my fault.
It's those stupid words. I hate words, I can never seem to find the right ones.

"Princess, I love you" I whispered to her as I pulled her onto my lap and hugged her, planting a kiss on her forehead. She held me tight and sobbed into my chest again. I pulled away from the hug - placing both hands on her shoulders - and stared into her blue eyes once more, carefully thinking about the next words to say.

"Princess, you are amazing, beautiful, sweet, smart, and so many more things. Why would you do this to yourself?" I asked. Why. The same words I've been asking myself all day. Why did I say that to her?

"I'm sorry," She said, refusing to meet my gaze. "I'm know you hate me now-"

"Hate you?" I interrupted her. "Didn't you hear me a minuete ago? It's the opposite of hate, I love you"

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears. "No, you love Ladybug! I'm not surprised, she's perfect, and everything that I'm not" She cried.

"You don't even know her under her mask, she has flaws, just like you, like me, like everyone" I said, gently placing a gloved hand under her chin and forcing her to look at me.

"Yeah, I do know her under her mask, and she definitely has her flaws" Marinette said as she pulled her head away from my grasp. I stared at her with confusion. She knows who's under the mask?

To distract myself from thinking of Marinette knowing Ladybugs identity, I asked "Where is the knife at?"
Without looking at me, she pointed to her desk. I grabbed the knife from her drawer and shoved it in my pocket. "Please promise me you will never harm yourself again" I begged before grabbing her arm and lightly placing a kiss on the scars.

"I promise, I won't" she said, looking into my eyes again. They were different this time. She looked a lot less sad, and she kind of looked... happy.

"Stay strong princess" I said before placing a kiss on her forehead and heading to the window.

I felt a soft tug at my arm and heard a faint "wait!" I turned back around with a confused expression. "Will I be seeing you again soon kitty?" She asked with a spark of hope present in her voice.

"Of course princess" I said with a smirk before continuing out the window and into the dark night.

When I got home and layed on my bed, millions of things swarmed my head, but 7 little words stood out from the rest.

"I do know her under her mask"

She knows who's under the mask.

If I weren't already going to come visit my princess just because she is my amazing princess, I would definitely be going to my princess because she knows who's under the mask.
So, do you still like this story?
I hope so
I wrote like half of this in class today lol
And I didn't check for mistakes, so they are guaranteed.
Also, am I like over using the word word?
I just kinda thought it was a cute idea
Ilyssssssm- Lizzy

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