Part 3

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I walked home slowly, listening to the rain hit the black umbrella. When I got home, I layed down in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I heard a knock on the window, so I got up and let the wet cat in.

"Hey kitty" I said. He looked shocked.

"So your not sad anymore?" Chat asked with a small smile.

"Nope, today he told me he was acting like that because his father said he doesn't care about him, so I forgive him" I replied. A huge smile formed on his lips.

"Do you still like him?" Chat asked.

"Yeah, but he likes someone else, so I have no chance. Even if he didn't like someone else, I would still have no chance. A boy like him, would never want a girl like me" I said. My smile slowly faded with every depressing word and I felt tears form on the edge of my eyes. I felt cold leather on my bare arms and I hugged him back.

"Your amazing, you could get whoever you want" Chat said as he pulled back and placed both his hands on my cheeks. Our faces were inches apart.

"Everyone exept him" I said. My cheeks burned red as I realized he wasn't looking in my eyes, but at my lips.

He looked back to my eyes as he said "You could have me, if you want"
That's all I needed to hear. I went against my instinct to stay away from having feelings for Chat as Ladybug, and crashed my lips onto his. He kissed back and I melted into it. We pulled away for a breath, and he asked "So does that mean your mine?"


He want me to be his.


Without hesitation, I answered "Yes"

He crashed his lips onto mine once more, until a beep rang through the room.

"Sorry princess, that's my que" He said before running out of the window, leaving me stunned and breathless, with nothing but my thoughts. Damn that stupid cat made me fall for him.

I walked into the school and straight to the girls locker room, since I had gym 1st period today. I changed into a pair of black leggings, a short-high neck tank - top that says "too busy" on it, and a pair of white tennis shoes to match the white jacket tied around my waist. I walked out of the room with a confident smile plastered on my face. I had my eyes closed, but I could tell everyone was staring. I however didn't care, I felt good, until I suddenly felt a hard impact on my face and I was lying on the ground. I felt blood on my face, then suddenly, I was out.

I woke up on a couch for what felt like minuetes after the whole incident.

"Okay, I'll take her home now" I heard a voice say. I fluttered my eyes open and matched the voice with a pair of green eyes and blonde hair.

"Mari, your awake" He said, offering me his hand and a bright smile. I took his hand in mine as he pulled me up, and continued to hold on as he dragged me through the hall, and out the school.

"What happened?" I asked. I wasn't gonna complain that Adrien was taking me home, but I was confused on what happened.

"I, uh," He stuttered. He stopped and took my other hand in his as he faced me. He stared his green eyes at me. They were filled with sorrow and guilt. "I accidentally hit you with a basketball, and me and Alya decided it would be best if you went home to get some rest, so I offered to take you home" Adrien said.

"I-It's ok, people g-get hit all t-the time, a-at least your n-not like C-chloe and y-you do it on p-purpose" I stuttered. I hate the fact that I can't let out a single sentence to him without stuttering.

The bakery door bell rang as he opened it up and gestured for me to go in. I walked up the stairs and hopped right into my bed. I heard my door shut, which I took as he left, but the soft giggle told a different story. I opened my eyes and blushed hard when I saw what he was looking at; my posters, of him.

"Nice posters" Adrien chuckled as he sat next to me in my bed.

"I, uh, well" I stuttered and blushed even deeper. He chuckled again. I stared into his green eyes for what seemed like hours, they reminded me of a certain cat. We just kept staring into each others eyes for what seemed like hours, but was only seconds, until something that could either be a good or bad thing happened. One small thing that could make my life better or worse. One small thing that could make me and one other person so happy, but could also totally break me and a different person. He kissed me.
As his lips hit mine, I didn't pull away or resist. I kissed back. Such a bad thing to do, yet it felt so right. His lips on mine felt so right... and familiar. I definitely know I've never kissed this blonde boy, yet this just feels so familiar and so right. I was brought back to reality as the boy pulled away, his cheeks blushing a bright red.

There was a long moment of silence with no eye contact, before I added "wh-what about the other girl you like?" I shyly looked up to see his blush deepen.

"I-I still like her, b-but were not together yet, a-and she doesn't n-need to ever find o-out" He stuttered.

I looked right into his eyes as I asked "So I'm just a toy? Your just gonna kiss me until you get the girl you want?" I immediately looked away just after seeing a slight hint of pain in his eyes. That may have been exactly what I was thinking ever since his lips met mine, but I never meant to actually say it.

"Wait, Marinette, I-It's not l-"

"Adrien, please just leave. I have a boyfriend, and I really don't want to lose him by kissing a player like you" I said, still avoiding eye contact. I really didn't mean to say that, but it was like my mind had no control over the words coming out of my mouth. I saw a small smile at the edges of his lips, but it quickly faded and was replaced with pain.

"Oh, ok, bye" Adrien said as he awkwardly stood up and walked away.

A pang of guilt rippled through me as I replayed my kiss with Adrien over and over. I quickly shoved the thought of him out, and began to think of my kitty. What am I going to do? I love that stupid cat so much, and I don't want to lose him, but keeping that secret forever will destroy me with guilt. If I tell him however, I'll lose him.
Haiii guys😜
On the way to a track meet that I'm not even participating in, fun
New chapter out soon😊
Ilyssssm- Lizzy

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