Chapter 7 "Kissing"

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Alice POV

I follow John after he walks away from me, we walk in to my dad's building, and right away women turn to look at John. The look in their eyes are the same looks a predator gives their prey.

I look at the receptionist fixing her hair and breast as we past by, but John doesn't give her a second look, he passes by and walks up to the elevator.

He swipes a card and the elevator opens, John walks in the elevator me following behind him; this is going to be fun.

I stand next to him but he moves away a little. Huh, he wants to play that game okay, I love chasing what's mine.

Right when the elevator closes, I turn to John, before he knew what happened I had him on the elevator wall, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and start kissing him.

Oh, he has soft lips, he kisses me back right away. Damn for a nerd he knows how to kiss.

We where so into the kiss that we didn't notice the doors open until someone cleared their throat.

Oh, busted I knew right away that it was my dad. I backed up a little and whispered in John's ear for him to only hear.

"That was the best kiss I ever had we will finsh it later" he didn't say anything, I smile and turn to my dad.

"Hi daddy, how you been"?I walk up to him to hug him but he stops me half way there "I am not happy with you Alice come with me, you to John"

I sighed, great now I'm in trouble and I'm dragging John with me. We follow my dad when we are in I walk ahead of my dad and sit on his 'Boss' chair.

"Alice get up" I don't move when my dad tells me to, I lean back and stick my feet up on his desk.

"Alice that's not lady like" when he said that I looked up fast. Who does he think he is? I looked at John, right when my eyes made eye contact with his he started blushing bright red.

It brought a smile to my face seeing him blush like that. Just for him I put my feet down and moved out of my dad's chair.

John sat in a chair in front of my dad's desk. "Alice sit down" my dad order after he sat down and saw me still standing.

I look over at John and a idea popped in my head. I walk over to John grabbed his hand, sat on his lap and wrapped his arm around my waist.

John try to pull away from me but I kept pull his arm back around my waist.

I got closer to John but my dad sighed and said " Alice get off of John" I look over at my dad about to say something but John stood up and sat me down in the chair next to him.

John sat back down and my dad started yelling at me for everything I did in the last year. I spaced out half way through until my dad says;

"This is why I think Alice will learn what she needs from you John" I look at John. What did he say?

John didn't say anything he just sat there with a straight face "so I what to ask you for a favor" I listen closer this time "if you can watch out for my daughter and train her how to work business".

Oh, this is going to be good.

John nods and says "I'll do it" he stands ready to shake my dad's hand when my dad says "I'm glade, I'm leave the city for a few months, I don't really want to leave Alice by herself at the house cause the last time I did she almost burned down the whole mansion" that memories made me smile, my friends and I had a good time that night.

"So do you mind if she stays with you till I get back" so many plans where going to my head. John nods "great, oh one more thing don't let her runaway" my dad said before picking up the phone.

I look at John again I am definitely not running away from him. John said bye to my dad I did same and we started walking out.

When the door closed behind us I looked both way and saw nobody. It's time to finsh what we started; I walked ahead of John to the elevator. I could feel his eyes watch my ass move up and down.

Naughty Johnny Boy. Now, I know your not the good boy I thought you where.

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