1 || Meeting

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The crowded streets of Tokyo glimmered amidst the night sky. Its street and building lights were no match against the four men who casually wandered across the street. Mobs of people who came across the four men had gaped and drooled, enthralled and allured by their charming and handsome appearances.

Kaito fumed, as he had lost to a round of rock, paper, scissors to Len and Gakupo who had chuckled quietly behind the ocean blue-haired man. He dangled the grocery bags in both hands, frustrated with his loss and mistake.

Yuuma had silently occupied himself with a novel that was gripped between his long, slender fingers as a strand of his pale pink hair fell to his face. Gakupo had peered over the man's shoulder and smirk crawled across his lips. "Reading something ecchi, Yuuma?"
The jade-eyed man gave him a strange look but returned his playful smile. "Maybe."

Gakupo chuckled, brushing back his long, purple hair that was tied into a ponytail. "I can recommend you some."

"Stop talking about those kind of things, you two." Kaito groaned through gritted teeth as he struggled with the six bags of food the guys had brought for the week.

The four had continued to squeeze their way through the crowded streets of Tokyo, Japan's most populated city, completely unaware of a girl who had passed them wanting to ask for a phone number, only to be let down when the four just continued walking, ignoring the girl's existence.

Just as they turned a corner, Kaito had jerked backwards, as a blue-eyed girl had immediately pulled the brakes of her bike, panting and shocked with the unexpected encounter.

"Sorry! I really didn't see you there!" She immediately jumped off her bike, rushing to Kaito's side, making sure he wasn't hurt. Attracted by the young girl's beauty, Gakupo had almost immediately stepped to her side and offering a hand to help her up, though earning a glare from Kaito who had scurried to his feet on his own, the girl blushed as she took his hand, brushing off dirt from her skirt. Her long teal hair was tied into ponytails. Her head turned to Kaito and flashed him a smile. "I'm sorry, I'm also really glad that you're not hurt." The man eventually sighed and gave her a smile in exchange as he shook his head. "It's fine." Gakupo had smirked at the girl. "In exchange would you like to join us for the night?" The girl had been taken back with his statement and before she could reply, a hand had slapped Gakupo's hand away.

"Stay away, pervert." Appearing in front of them was a taller women who had long, pink hair that had reached her back as she glared at the purple-haired man. "I'm sorry, but we have plans." she added, causing Gakupo to chuckle with amusement. "A friend, I'm guessing?"

"So?" She huffed back.

"Gakupo," he replied, holding out a hand to let her shake on. She hesitated at first but eventually raised her hand to his, shaking it but almost immediately letting go.


"You two are really cute." he smiled.

"Let's go," Luka had hastily said, almost dragging the dumbstruck girl away behind her with the bike.

"Wait!" The teal-haired girl had escaped from Luka's grip and rushed to Kaito, holding out a hand.

"Miku! Hatsune Miku!" she smiled.

"Kaito," he replied, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you."

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